Pathos accomplishment in the film a quiet place

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Film

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The year 2020, the film’s setting, shows how the human race has been swamped by the waves of frightening, almost indestructible alien predators who hunt by sound. The hunted Abbott family makes their stand within a deep lonely forest, distant from the wreckage of civilization. Father Lee as well as mother Evelyn are struggling to protect their three children from the unsighted-sound sensitive aliens at their door. In many different ways, the film starts with sweet moments before it turns up the heat, an aura of tension and danger that follows until the end when the aliens are overwhelmed. The film’s trailer contains numerous appeals throughout the scenes, but only pathos is particularly powerful. The audience’s life-affirming emotion is also signified through Regan’s character, as representing an exceptional performance of a young lady coming-of-age in such a broken and terrifying world, disturbed by the soreness and guiltiness of a past tragedy, and being unable to hear in real life, every scenario is imbued by authenticity.

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However, the life-affirming emotion is widely indicated in a mid-way scene in the film, during Krasinski and Blunt’s conversation, as Evelyn utters as tears drop down from both her eyes, “We have to protect them” (Krasinski, 2018). Based on Krasinski’s accomplishment of pathos through the living conditions of Abbott’s family, emotions of terror, fear, pity, lives affirming as well as sadness are evoked towards the audience. Emotional Tone Krasinski’s lighting in the film, A Quiet Place, widely contributes to the film’s emotional tone. This involves the two different settings with different lights, which include the house located deep in the lonely forest away from human race civilization, as well as in the lighting of beacons to shine hope and glow in the deep realms of darkness.

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Therefore, this allows the film to resonate with the audience, even to those who aren’t massive fans of knowledge fiction horror movies. For instance, the film’s basic plot is the hostile aliens’ story, whereby the parents have to protect their children at all costs, from the dangers of the aliens (Chiang, pg. Different characters have therefore been used to hook and keep the audience’s interests in the film, such as in life-affirming words made by Evelyn on protecting the children, thus to capture the audience with the desire to know how and when the children are protected from the monster aliens. Also, Krasinski’s use of Regan’s creativity is based on also capturing the audience’s attention to figure out how the ASL communicating device helps in getting rid of the aliens, as well as the silent and faithful prayers with efforts to fight the monster help in the family’s surviving.

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