Performance Management Systems Essay
Document Type:Proofreading Editing
Subject Area:Management
The effectiveness of Performance Management System are ; it leads to job specification and covers a broad range of jobs in the organization, aligns the organization strategic direction and culture, includes collaborative ways of setting goals and assessing performance based on the two way communication strategies which involves the employees and the employer, provides training and development opportunities for improving performance and lastly, it provides legal documentations that demonstrates diligence fore legal challenges appraising’s like dismissals (Fine, 2012). For Performance Management System to be more effective it requires time and resources and through the support of the organization’s board and agreements, it helps in channeling on strategic plans that leads to growth and development in the organization. In addition, it shapes the organization in achieving its goals and visions. This paper therefore presents an ideal performance management system that I will implement as the human resource manager in my organization.
Organization Strategy As the Human Resource manager, I will have to use strategic management processes to make sure that the organization moves towards achieving its goals, visions and missions. It is evident that many organizations fail due to lack of practical, tactical implementation plans that foster the changes that are aligned to the organization strategy. In my position, I will come with various aspects that will determine the aspects and address pertinent issues that surpass employees, and this will lead to organization success. This will involve understanding their personal issues and directing them to work comfortably and be more creative in working. I will also keep employees’ engaged around the strategy and other changes ahead by tapping into their opinions and feelings across different levels in the organization. This is an effective way since engaging employees around the early strategies helps in understanding their thoughts and prepares them for future changes psychologically.
Different experts have different skills and when combined they lead to achieving an organization strategy in planning and hence achieving the visions, missions and goals of the organization. Measuring Of Results For effective performance in the Performance Management System, results should be measured in order to know the movement of an organization. It helps in spotting weakness and through various analyses, it will let me know if the projections were too optimistic or my performance in the organization isn’t living up to the potential. Proper measurements will help to identify the weakest areas that need to be revisited and let me know where to put the controls in place or take remedies that will strengthen the organization. In addition, through measuring the results motivates the employees’ in such a way when they see they are contributing to the achievements of the goals in the origination, they tend to work more hard and uplift the departments that are lagging behind.
This means that I will have to record major accomplishments, strengths and weaknesses according to the appraisals forms and suggest ways that are required to meet the expectations that the organization requires. mostly I will suggests actions like proper training for the employees where they will be able to lean more skills in areas of specialization and this will lead to effective performance. Lastly, I will schedule the first performance review for six months after the employee starts employment. This will mark as an anniversary to them and will be more flexible in learning their weaknesses and help them move forward. Benchmarking This is an important part in measuring of results. The changes may spark improvement in the organization (Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner, 2011). Compensation Compensation plays a critical role in shaping the employees behavior and attitudes towards the organization.
They play a major role in development. The behaviors such as laziness, absenteeism, unsafe actions, alcoholism and drug abuse upsets the operations of an organization. Through compensation, it attributes to all the ways of rewarding systems to employees for their effective performance. The factors to consider are communication plan, appeal processes and future expectations. The three factors should be planned and focused on in order to make the strategies and channels the organization in moving towards its goals. Communication This is the key strategy in effective performance. As the Human Resource manager in the organization, I will use this factor to understand the level of know-how from the employees. The barriers of effective communication such as language will be eradicated and this will help in getting the right information from the staffs.
On future expectations plans, i will come with future expectation plans where it will have different plans in reaching the purpose of the organization. Through proper analyzing of future outcomes like inflation and demographic changes, I will come with other ways that will be effective to the environment and manage the organization not to be affected by the expectations. Employee Development Considerations This focuses on the rate of growth that the employees are supposed to be while working with the organization. As the Human Resource manager, I will consider their development by agreeing with them in terms of payment. I will increase their payment annually and give bonuses to the hard working employees. In addition, employees’ considerations on development are crucial since it gives them a room to compete effectively. Lastly, planning for the future episodes helps the organization to be prepared in outcomes that may shake it.
References David, F. David, F. Strategic management: A competitive advantage approach, concepts and cases. Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Thiel, C. Bagdasarov, Z. Harkrider, L. Pälli, P. On the force potential of strategy texts: a critical discourse analysis of a strategic plan and its power effects in a city organization. Organization, 17(6), 685-702.
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