PMJ Cleaning Company Business Plan

Document Type:Business Plan

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

The business is banking on the experience of the three partners in various fields for effective management and operation of the cleaning business. Such experience will also help in the growth and expansion of the business towards providing more services in the near future. Target market PMJ will target various households around Florida for the cleaning services. Various scholars have observed that there is growing competition in residential areas but few companies have been able to provide the services with the required honesty, trustworthy, and professionalism it deserves. Based on that understanding, PMJ will aim at bridging such gaps to build on its brand and achieve its target within the set timelines. Laundry services and home ironing will also be carried out by PMJ. Management Effective management is very important in enhancing business sustainability.

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Based on such understanding, PMJ will ensure that the company is run and operated effectively to for sustainable growth. With massive experience in entrepreneurship, business management, and accounting, the family is aiming at managing and enlarging their business partnership. The three partners will offer different knowledge and skills in running of the business. Based on such facts, PMJ will target spouses who are both on part-time, but chooses to engage in other activities or cannot be able to do cleaning work by themselves. Small business offices will also be an important target for the business as the offices must be cleaned regularly for efficient services. PMJ forecasts the profits to be 10% in the first year which is expected to reach 30% by the end of the third year. Business History PMJ idea was generated from the family’s passion in the hospitality industry.

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The family is a past beneficiary of cleaning services with the idea aimed at giving back to society and offering reliable and efficient services to all customers. S show that use of internet advertising is an effective marketing strategy as it is able to reach more people in an efficient way. PMJ will, therefore, engage in an aggressive internet advertising strategy to create the brand of the business and create awareness on the existence of our services to our target customers. The company will also bank on our customers to spread news regarding our services which would help in attracting more customers and creating customer loyalty. Such a strategy will enhance the business sustainability and increase profits for the business. Operational plan The business will be run from home by all three partners until an appropriate and strategic location is procured.

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Miami, in particular, has undergone massive development in the recent past leading to an increase in rental rates. Such changes in rent rates have made it difficult for many individuals to procure cleaning services for their premises and offices in Miami. For this reason, many companies have adjusted their cleaning prices to ensure their businesses remain competitive in the market. For many individuals who are aspiring to start cleaning business, such facts may act as a deterrent and intimidating factor. For us, however, we view such scenario as an important challenge which will help us in identifying mitigation factors from the start. Many individuals want their homes and d offices to give a good visual appeal to the visitors, thus, they cannot live in dirty and filthy places. Due to various engagements, many individuals cannot do cleaning services on their own, therefore, they contract cleaning companies to do the cleaning in their homes and business premises leading to the growth of the industry.

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The cleaning industry is complex as it comprises various segments such as residential and cleaning in major corporations and industries. The demand for the segments varies from one another as the clients demand specific services from the cleaning companies. Based on such understanding, our company will focus on residential areas and small business offices. The company will focus on clients where the two spouse work and those where one spouse works while the other is at home but is not interested in cleaning works. In the U. S, ability to contract house cleaning services is considered to be a symbol of fortune or wealth. It is for this reason that PMJ will take such an opportunity to provide our services to this group of clients. Some clients are also engaged in lucrative jobs, thus, they cannot spend their precious time on cleaning work.

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Through such inquiries, the company will be able to establish potential clients and act accordingly to ensure contractual agreement is achieved with such clients. The estimates of the cleaning services can be provided to potential customers over the phone but we will insist on visiting their premises to speak to them directly. Part of that reason is based on various studies done in U. S which show that visiting the homes of clients help in providing accurate estimates according to the services requested by customers. The visits also acts as a marketing strategy where cleaning companies are able to market their services to clients more effectively and impress them on our range of services. As opposed to hourly pricing, our company will quote prices based on the size of the premises and customer demands.

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The customer will then be encouraged to set timelines that he/she wants the cleaning to be completed. Such an approach will help in building trust and honest among the customers. Competition Analysis PMJ main focus will be aimed at promoting integrity and trust in the cleaning industry. Various experts have observed that many customers are not happy about the services they gain from professional cleaning companies. The training will act as a human capital investment and will help in creating a competitive edge over our competitors. Our staffs will be able to conduct themselves professionally and conduct their work efficiently leading to happy customers and more contracts for our business. Studies have shown that clients in the cleaning industry are more concerned about the service provided by the companies. Based on that understanding, our training program will help in equipping our cleaning staffs with the best skills and knowledge to outsmart other staffs from our direct and indirect competitors.

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PMJ main competitive weakness result from the fact that it is a start-up cleaning company. However, management positions will be divided according to the area of specialty among the three directors. Regardless of such divisions, all posts will be equal and all major decisions will only be implemented after it has been discussed and agreed upon by all partners. The division of tasks will not be competitive but complimentary to ensure all operations are conducted in an effective way. Financial Plan Start-up Funding Capital $ Cleaning equipment 12000 Computer equipment 3000 Legal 1300 3 vans 50000 Telephone 3000 Working capital 4000 Inventory & Training programs 14000 Sub Total $87300 All start-up financing will be done using family savings kitty.

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