Policing management essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

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However, the need to implement an effective communication system and a coherent and legitimate policing. The paper seeks to identify the historic reforms in the management of policing and critically analyze their effectivity subject to the prevailing conditions then. Earlier policing management reforms Essential in the historical development of policing was the contribution of Robert Peel. The revelations of Robert Peel in 1828 about the need for a stable, efficient and highly organized military necessitated the adoption of the traditional military bureaucratic model of leadership across all countries. Also, the President of Canada, McDonald, realized the need for mobile, manageable and politically dependable police that will promote the implementation of the government’s mandate (Murphy and Paul, 2007). Decisions were determined hierarchically through the defined police ranks, highly formalized communication networks, reliance on technology, and police specialization.

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Over the ages, regardless of the changing environmental demands or advancing organizational models, bureaucracy reigns in police management (Rost, 1993). Modern policing reforms and its implications The growing size of police force spread throughout the three levels of government necessitated implementation of a highly bureaucratic and administrative policing model. The objective of the model was to guarantee standardized police operational culture, effective police discipline, and higher accountability. As a result, the RCMP became more palpable to address the complex internal problems of controls. Internal chaos, confusion, and resistance impeded police reforms; where many who opposed the changes classified them as unnecessary (Lowe and Galen, 1996). As a result, the commissioner maintained a managerial style that merged the benefits of the traditional bureaucratic model and community-based approach.

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Some of the reforms during the period were the restoration of justice, community policing and the intelligence-led policing. The changes were implemented within the hierarchical policy and decision-making structure. Today, the policing management of the police force is a mixture of the conventional bureaucratic model and other modern philosophies, practices, and programs which answer effectively to the conflicts, controls, accountability and the general leadership in the police force (Lowe and Galen, 1996). The modern policing highlight five fundamental issues that underpin a viable management model. Such matters include legitimacy, democratic accountability, evidenced-based policing, national coherence and a capable, highly competent and cost-effective policing. These concerns point to the style of leadership to be implemented as well as the management approach for the police force (Qpm, 2011).

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The leadership system should answer to the challenges of legal and regulatory framework posed by accountability. Additional management considerations should focus on the role of civilianization in the age of technological advancement in policing. Operational challenges and benefits The modern policing concentrated on addressing the welfare of police than to the inevitable difficulties that the face the society. The pertinent concern has been the influence of the contemporary policing model which emphasizes law enforcement than to crime prevention (Rost, 1993). Today, the focus of management strategies reward outputs which could be measured by the traffic tickets issued, street checks and arrests. The policy has neglected outcomes as a critical measure of operational success. Ignoring such issues as crime reduction, community satisfaction, cost-saving policing has immensely created a burden to the management of policing.

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Moreover, it will foster community cooperation in identifying the crime victims. Consequently, the community will support police operations. Effective policing requires the engagement of the community in all stages of law enforcement. As such, the management model should incorporate the input of the societal leaders. Besides, it a way of fostering admissibility of policies in the society. Culture, values, ethics, knowledge, and competence are highlighted as the critical issues that promote the change. Additionally, the need to demonstrate adequate control and autonomy within the spectrum of social and economic justice has informed the viable policing management over the ages. While every model has benefits, most of the challenges have obliterated these benefits. Consequently, there is need to adopt a more legally determined and cost-effective policing.

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