Political Impacts of Globalization
It may have several underlying definitions depending on the dimension affected by its waves. Sheth described globalization as an emergence of a level playing ground that brings together the economic players and activities across the world (Sheth, 2017). Globalization influences the better portion of the global politics. Traditionally, national political systems were manipulating its politics through catering for economic and security well-being of their citizens. They were also mandated to offer protection along the country’s border and advocate for human rights. The member countries had to adapt to the newly combined sovereignty and tolerate the majority side even if the made decision was against the will of the minority or the single states. On that note, for the opposition members to actualize their dreams the dependency nature compelled them to succumb to the majority of nations which spearheaded the final mandate.
In some circumstances, countries have to forgo their priorities for them to reap the desired general objectives. For instance, the UN Security Council showcased how manipulation of the decision making take a course at the global arena where the big five countries used their veto-powers (Baylis et, al 2017). According to Baylis, a globalization transformationalist believed that the combined sovereignty is lucrative and it is fundamentally right in addressing the global challenges which consist of human rights protection, conservation of natural environment, conserving world peace as well as improving international logistics. Consequently, Korea suffered substantial long-term debt borrowed from the global market. In contrast, Taiwan governments involved in a different policy approach by using the selection method in financing the only lucrative sectors of the economy through subsidies and supported advanced technological segments.
However, Taiwan was not exceptional to avoid the wrath of globalization since the world markets had embraced a more sophisticated technology rendering its products cheaper in the global market. Therefore, the local firm lost the traditional vibrancy leaving the states and companies at loggerheads. Taiwan also used the application of the capital flows destined to China, which encountered significant setbacks as the existence of interconnectivity among other world countries could not permit the logistics to China. The presence of the international courts such as the one created by the United Nations based in the Netherlands assists in the promotion of justice across the globe. Currently, no criminal can hide in a foreign country and there exist security agencies understanding and cooperation among the police departments across the board to fight the force of world terrorism (Baylis et, al 2017).
The interconnection among the world nations has formulated and extended the global trade networks. The developed countries are no longer enjoying the monopoly of trade commodities as it was traditionally. The world has turned out to be like a global village where one can quickly get what needed from the country of choice. Globalization also left states financial markets upon the mercy of the international financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank for general management and governance (Sheth, 2017). This move of interconnectivity always useful to the member countries since the institutions act like lenders of the last resort. They still provide financial breakthrough when a state gets into a financial crisis to prevent the entire economy from collapsing. However, in the recent times, this interconnectedness showcased some drawbacks especially during an economic crisis that may have started from one nation and spreads a worse effect to another member country.
On that note, the syndrome may stretch mostly to a weaker economy since these member states are like sharing economic resources but not evenly in reality (Sheth, 2017). These regulations were myopic in the sense that they never capture the possible grounds of the international movements such as wealth accumulation and the need to spread the risks across the globe (Steger, 2017). Therefore, the overall lack of the appropriate measures to address the immigration in the era of globalization resulted in more detrimental conditions. Evidently, the first world countries experienced a rise in immigrants number, the emergence of little rewards and dilapidated working environments suffered by the workers, an outbreak of pandemic diseases and rampant criminal cases. Generally, the international movement policies were tyrannical and failed to regulate the locomotive nature of capital, the power of information, and commodities across the globe.
The formulators were not keen on the logic that immigration is majorly affected by labour which is one of the components of free trade (Sheth, 2017). In contrary to the provisions of UDHR article 27, the human rights of the migrants who happened to go to work in some parts of Europe faced some challenges which hindered them from enjoy their political rights of voting and secure a formal job in various parastatals. Also, nations like France and Spain still promotes the social vices which undermine the human rights of foreigners working in their countries hence making them vulnerable to discrimination and racism. Liberalization of the world economy posed significant detrimental forces to the wellbeing of humanity (Sheth, 2017). According to Professor Steger, an American political scientist pronounced his sentiments by saying that, severe discrimination of the developing nations witnessed in the contemporary world is a product of globalization.
To add, developing countries may maintain the status quo because they are not capable of keeping pace with the prevailing stiff economic competition globally. Smith, S. Owens, P. Eds. The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press.
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