Progressive Era of the Early 20th Century

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

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Moreover, the urbanization led in a dramatic increase in the crime rates, congestions, poor sanitation, and unhealthy living conditions (Shi, 2017). Given that the progressive reformers reacted to these problems, it is inarguable that urbanization contributed profoundly to the rise of the progressive era. Reactions to the industrialization issue motivated the progressive reformers. In this context, America experienced a rapid industrial growth during the 1850s (Shi, 2017). As an outcome, the country experienced numerous problems including exploitation of the American natural resources, the rise of powerful monopolies which restricted competitions, and corruptions in all social and government institutions (Shi, 2017). The practices of these professionals highlighted the weaknesses of the American political system and administration in a manner that they led to the formation of campaigning groups (Shi, 2017).

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These pressure campaigns sparked a series of reforms during the progressive era. Some of the famous muckrakers include Jacob Riis, Winston Churchill, Frank Norris, Ida Tarbell, Theodore Dreiser, and Robert Herrick. The women organizations comprising of women clubs with different dimensions acted as a source of thought and activism to the progressive movement. Women with varying backgrounds including the rich, poor, white, black, and natives participated in national female clubs including The National Women Suffrage Association, The National Association of Women of Color and the Women’s Christian Temperance Movement (Shi, 2017). The reformers advanced the aforementioned specific objectives by enhancing settlement and house movements, social gospel organizations, churches, community centers, and other social services institutions. These groups championed for the building and equipping of libraries, recreational pools, and sporting grounds (Shi, 2017).

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Also, these goals were advanced through artistic pieces since professionals such as journalists exposed unfair commercial practices, exploitation of child labor, government corruptions and campaigned for the minimum wage laws (Shi, 2017). Moreover, expertise such as Louis Brandeis used primary data to champion and defended some laws by showing the costs associated with long working hours and the importance of limiting the working hours. Finally, some clubs such as The Women’s Christian Temperance Movement encouraged its members such as the saloon keepers to seize selling alcohol and built kindergartens for the immigrants in the region (Shi, 2017). Correspondingly, Taft backed the 16th and 17th Amendments which established new bureaus including The Federal Children’s Bureau and The Bureau of Mines which set and maintained standards for the children and mine safety respectively.

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Despite their support to the progressive reforms, presidents Roosevelt and Taft differed significantly during the 1912 presidential election since they were both interested in securing the Republican party’s presidential candidacy. Taft used his organizational skills and solid performances to align with the party leaders who helped him achieve the party’s presidential nomination (Shi, 2017). Angry over his loss, Roosevelt and a group of progressive republicans absconded the Republican Party and formed the progressive party. Question Five: Describe The Progressive Policies Of President Woodrow Wilson, And Explain Why And How They Differed From Those Of Presidents Roosevelt And Taft. Also, these presidents differed considerably on the government involvement on the social issues. At one hand, President Taft and Roosevelt advocated for the participation of the federal government in all social matters since they urged reforms on more magnificent justices (Shi, 2017).

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