Reflective Practice Journal Medical Imaging
Document Type:Reflective Practice
Subject Area:Medicine
According to the definition, the personal experience of an individual has to be an entity of reflection, and the reflection itself should engage both the affective and intellectual activities. Indeed, the reflective practice has emerged as a fundamental aspect in the realization of growth professionally. The capacity of a person to reflect on his or her practice is regarded as one of the attributes that are necessary for one to be competent in the healthcare field, and this includes the radiographers who need to advance commitment towards reflection to be relevant in this profession. Reflection is critical in fostering one's growth professionally, monitoring work, along with encouraging skills' currency (Ryan & Ryan, 2013). Subsequently, I will benefit highly from such thoughts. Reporting: 2. Role in the team: Before the set date of placement, I visited the clinic to meet my tutor and to make sure that I was set for it.
Upon introducing myself, I was highly praised by my teacher for the responsibility of set some time aside to acquit myself with my colleagues before the commencement of the placement. It was during this visit that I have introduced to the team and the entire department by my tutor. The introductions eased my transition from the campus to the clinical placement. Additionally, I have involved actively in offering the patients care during the examination. After the performance of all the procedures, I then called on the ward staff to pick up and take the patients to their respective rooms. Other roles involved offering help to the radiographers in sliding the patients from their beds to the x-ray bed (DeLacerda, 2012; Vom & Williams, 2017). As the placement progressed, my responsibilities evolved. Increasingly, I was requested to assist in carrying out X-rays and other associated tasks in diverse areas where I met skilled doctors.
The traits have proved to be beneficial in my clinical placement especially when integrating the members of my team and interacting with colleagues. Teamwork along with effective communication are critical ingredients for delivery of efficient and quality patient care successfully. I acknowledge the fact that despite the involvement of many teammates in delivering healthcare, it is the responsibility of individual experts in this profession to provide care that is both safe and of high quality. Therefore, I am confident that my communication skills were significant in making sure that the patients received safe and quality care. Mentorship influences the clinical placements of students significantly (Ward et al. In my situation, I depended on my interpersonal skills and communication in obtaining feedback from my teammates and becoming integrated fully in the team.
Most of the time during the placement period, tutors worked with me hand in hand. On a weekly basis, they offered me with honest feedback which involved their thoughts on my performance, interactions with other members of the team and how well I was suited for the group. The tutors created for me more opportunities frequently to learn new skills and develop the existing ones. Furthermore, the radiographers were not only cooperative but they also unbiasedly and timely commented on my performance. Students in clinical placements have labelled their colleagues in the same branch as resourceful; they provide instructions, offer guidance and set expectations. My plan is to engage in a study that is self-directed to enhance my skills in performing procedures related to imaging. Specifically, I wish to make proper use of virtual videos or tutors to gain an understanding which has proved to be important in offering guidance to students on how to best improve their clinical skills required in the performance of necessary procedures.
I intend to watch more videos that will enable me to increase acumens on how other experts manage to accomplish the tasks in a manner that is timely. Learners who properly utilize their videos have exhibited exceptional progress in gaining relevant skills (Thomson & Williams, 2017). Subsequently, I set goals associated with seeking advice and mentorship based on such information to guide my practice in future. Two experiences, in particular, stood out for me. Initially, I was of the opinion that I was set for the placement adequately but the experiences proved otherwise since they were challenging. In fact, I almost despaired because they made me feel both helpless and vulnerable. Experience One: One of the biggest challenges I encountered during the clinical practice was the communication problem, especially when handling patients who were not English speakers.
The traditions of some individuals from China and other regions in the world such as Australia might be completely different to my expectations, and this makes communication that is not only meaningful but also useful with the patients compulsory. By any means, the language should not be a barrier between the patients and the medical practitioners. My experience in communication with non-English speakers in the clinical setting is minimal. Also, am not proficient in communicating with patients through the body language. Despite being aware that Chinese Mandarin is the primary language spoken in China, I do not know a single Chinese word. I was excited this time round to challenge myself. I used body language, and some common Chinese words that I had recorded and the procedure was successful without any assistance.
The experience enhanced my skills and boosted confidence. Experience Two: In the course of the placement period, I noticed that some individuals in the team failed to observe health hygiene procedures recommended, for instance, some failed to clean the image receptor after using the machine on a patient. Also, others did not wear the protective gloves when positioning the patients on the X-ray machines and this is risky since it can spread infections from one patient to the other. Just like other students, I was uneasy and anxious about the placement. Nonetheless, after carrying out a reflection on my other arrangements, I realized that proper utilization of the team and communication skills were vital for the realization of successful team integration. Based on those reflections, I also discovered that I had to use mentorship and feedback to maximize the placement benefits fully.
I am confident that I maximized the guidance offered by the experienced radiographers and tutors along with responses. As a result, I feel that my skills along with clinical reasoning have undergone tremendous improvements. Nursing students' assessment of the learning environment in different clinical settings. Nurse education in practice, 14(3), 304-310. Chemaly, R. F. Simmons, S. L. Griffin, K. A. Lunsford, L. G. Ford, E. C. Fong de Los Santos, L. Pawlicki, T. Sutlief, S. Grace, P. J. Nursing ethics and professional responsibility in advanced practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Holland, K. Mohammadi, S. Forrest, G. N. Perencevich, E. The effect of contact precautions on healthcare worker activity in acute care hospitals. Nurse Education in Practice, 10(3), 176-182. Ryan, M. Introduction: Reflective and Reflexive Approaches in Higher Education: A Warrant for Lifelong Learning? In Teaching Reflective Learning in Higher Education (pp.
Springer International Publishing. Ryan, M. Tomietto, M. Warne, T. Students' experiences of cooperation with nurse teacher during their clinical placements: an empirical study in a Western European context. Nurse education in practice, 13(2), 78-82. Thomson, K. Halkett, G. Hogg, P. Achieving success in clinically based research: the importance of mentoring. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences.
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