Reflective Journal based on EYFS
Document Type:Reflective Practice
Subject Area:Literature
I believe that the individual roles played by the stakeholders in the school environment are critical regarding the process of shaping the behavior of the learners professionally. Practical approaches are required in the enhancement of behavior in schools which are guided by the laid policies. Despite its application in the whole school setting, the classroom is a primary area of focus basing on the fact that most of the teacher-student interaction occur in this place. Different schools have realized the significance of active management of behavior and resorted to establishing strong policies that are coherent with those of the educational system in the national perspective to manage the behavioral development of the students efficiently. I am currently based in the St. On the other hand, the overall success of the behavior policy is reflected by the entire school thus implying the importance of further examination of the surrounding to enhance this realization.
In my class, I have prioritized the use of effective strategies to facilitate the development of intrinsic motivation in the children by fostering their commitment towards depicting desirable behavior. The plans include the rewards and sanctions which accompanies the individual behavior that fits the measure of the case. I embrace the use of rational and logical means when enforcing the sanctions against the undesired behavior. This measure implies that the consequence and the offense will have proportionality which will create awareness to the child about the significance of practicing the good behavior and at the same time preventing the recurrence of the inappropriate behavior. Therefore, the efforts of the education sector in establishing a standard behavior policy for a different institution is echoed by the school by the numerous notifications to the learners concerning the school regulations.
Reflective A reflective analysis of the St. Matthew’s primary school behavior policy and implementation strategies has given me an in-depth understanding of the flaws in the system. Furthermore, the response by the learners to the implemented policies have offered insightful messages that the system can be changed to the better with the use of professional approaches and collective responsibility in the implementation of the policies. These findings illustrate the profound significance of my using practical measures as a teacher to foster the classroom behavior. The school's behavior policies had some setbacks that require further examination. Precisely, some of the methods used to instill sanctions to the misbehaved learners are questionable as to whether they will be able to transform the learner's behavior or rather worsen them or inflict unnecessary pain (Evertson, 1994).
For instance, some of the inappropriate behaviors may originate from their home environment even though they may appear too extreme and thus call for harsh measures. Personally, I have reflected on various experiences in the school concerning the measures that were taken and the state of the learners and found the need of revising some of the strategies. Some persuasive techniques can work better than some of the sanctioning methods to prevent the recurrence of inappropriate behavior. Therefore, systematic approaches should be used to analyze the behavioral aspects more deeply so that the risks that emerge from the process may be controlled. As outlined earlier, the guiding process is significant when enforcing the policies in the classroom. This factor calls for the counseling techniques and also the knowledge on the behavioral theoretical models that can be applied in varying situations.
For instance, I observed the behaviorists' theory to be efficient in numerous instances especially when fostering good behavior. Therefore, I was prompted to make further analysis on the impact of this approach concerning the duration of the positive impact. This is a significant consideration that should be applied in all the disciplinary issues. The teachers should always be considerate not to make mistakes when choosing a method for punishing the learners. The school and classroom regulations have an outstanding impact on the implementation of the behavioral policy. As a teacher, I base my classroom interactions with the children on the guidelines provided by the school management and the curriculum. Similarly, the learners should draw their code of conduct from the rules and regulations outlined by the teachers in the school and the classroom setting.
My primary focus will be on the impartation of the correct attitude towards the essence of having the right form of behavior from a personal point of view. I will help the learners to appreciate corrections they receive and also the behavioral regulations and restrictions in the school. The students should not view any form of sanctions negatively because this will hinder their learning and psychological growth (Pullen & Mark, 2010). Any form of punishment should be supported by a guidance session that will make the learner comfortable and also aware of the need to work towards behavior change. On the other hand, the right kind of behavior should also be reinforced with guidance that will help the learner to be self-reliant or intrinsically motivated towards good behavior. Such students should be assisted, and if the behavior persists, they should be referred to the different level of authority so that they can be assisted in different ways.
Failure to make this consideration may prove to be harmful to the learners who may continue with their misbehaving. The school counselors and the administration play a significant role in the handling of the referred cases and thus the best option in such circumstances. The interaction with the parents is also a substantial step in this domain because it enhances the establishment of the critical elements that may be affecting the learners' behaviors. Works cited Alexander, R. Noell, G. H. Duhon, G. J. Gatti, S. Prentice Hall.
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