Report about buyer behavior on apple air pods

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Marketing

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In this report, I am going to discuss how Apple Airpods, products of Apple Company have enhanced an aspect of customer retention regardless of the introduction of similar products like Louis Vuitton Horizon Earphones. The introduction of these products in the market has provided direct competition to Apple. Released in September 2016, Apple Airpods have harnessed more substantial sales compared to other products. This is according to Forbes Report of 2016. The latest Apple Airpods products will be launched before the end of March 2019, and this got me thinking. However, techniques such as market segmentation are entangled on it. Market segmentation implies a division of components forming buyers’ behavior on the merit of demographic profiling, values that form similar behavior and psychographic information (Kotler, 2015, p. Identification of Target Markets- Behavioral Segmentation Appeal to Specific Adopter Category The identified primary segment happens to be the behavioral segment.

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This is because it can be influenced by the other two layers such as demographic as well as psychographic. In the case of Apple Airpods, immediately after it was launched in 2016, people in most parts of the world were familiar with the audio jack. How then did Apple manage to obtain such a success? How Product and Promotion can influence Buyer’s Behavior Usage rate is a reflection of the customer experience. When the experience is poor, the usage rate will not be appealing. The features of a product determine the user experience. About Apple Airpods product, it was an improvisation of beats brand. It should be noted that beat brands are an accessory made by the parent Company Apple. When giving assessments regarding the introduction of latest Apple Airpods in the market, Cook said that “moving away from audio jack was to give a platform for improvisation of software (Vacoc, 2017).

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This came in the wake of uproar since people were already familiar with the technology that eased connection with the hardware. Apple Company strived in improving customers’ experience as far as the relation with software was concerned (Vacoc, 2017, p. From high public involvement that was initiated by the Company’s CEO, it is evident that Cook alongside a team of marketers knew the importance of integrating marketing mix, product, and promotion for that matter. Internal Influence: Needs and Motives What Influences Consumer Behavior? Many theories like Abraham Maslow theory of hierarchy needs have explained the urge to influence the decisions of customers as far as purchasing a product is concerned. In this case, buying becomes impossible. An Airpod retails for 159 dollars while that of Louis Vuitton Horizon retails at 995 dollars. For young adults who are lovers of technological features, the price acts as a determinant of consumer behavior.

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It is vital to mention that price constitutes a marketing mix. When researching various types of marketing segmentation, from this point (Lamb, p. In awareness, even today, Airpods are slim in size, and by the look at it, you can be mistaken that it can easily fall when performing a vigorous exercise. At the time of launching, a senior marketing strategist of the Company called Tim Bajarin implied that Apple Airpods were positioned in a way to fulfill the Company’s futuristic goals. He said, “The accessory is now vital to Apple’s future. ” Such evaluations demonstrate that the company integrated value-based positioning. This type of positioning creates a brand, at least gauging it from Apple’s point of view. Some buyers have criticized Louis Vuitton horizon earphone because it produces more base compared to Airpods.

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While reading books related to Psychology, I came across the concept of positive psychology and how specific mechanisms like leisure time can promote happiness. Other tools entangled in positive psychology include brainstorming and mindfulness. During my free time, I like listening to music. I also want to jog. However, I do not want to speculate about that since March 2019 is not yet over. Operant Conditioning and how it has been used to Influence a Particular Lifestyle I first thought that operant conditioning was restricted to family therapists. This is a technique used by psychologists during a counseling session of an aggressive or moody young child. However, marketing strategists at Apple Company seem to have applied reason versus operant conditioning when marketing their products. In psychology, operant conditioning entails eradicating unwanted behavior through punishment while at the same time promoting good ones through rewards.

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However, it has been rumored that Airpods 2 is an improvisation of the five hours lasting battery. The world is still waiting to see whether or not such an initiative will come to fruition come end of March. Consumer Decision Making Process Here, I deemed it essential to evaluate how potential consumers went about shopping for Apple Airpods. Apple Company has prioritized online marketing as a way of improving consumers’ perception regarding their goods. With the aid of digital platforms, one is required with a smartphone or a laptop with internet coverage to go about the shopping process. Consumers may feel discouraged. This limits another purchasing scenario. If this happens to be the case, it is evident that demographic segmentation differs in their loyalty to the existing Apple Airpods. About socio-factor, some people will not be in a position to afford the 159 dollars- the purchasing price while others will regard it a less high price.

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Comparing Marketing Approach of Apple Airpods and that of Louis Vuitton Horizon Earphones Both Vuitton and Apple have incorporated online marketing as part of their marketing strategy. When this becomes so, the Company is said to have done promotion, an element of marketing mix. At the same time, consumers are made aware of the physical features of the latest products. Still, many consumers like myself are eagerly waiting to hear about elements of the latest Apple Airpods to be introduced this March. On that front, it is evident that marketing strategists can use the 4Ps of marketing mix with the primary aim of improving sales (Kotler, 2015, p. Was that the case of Apple Company when it abandoned audio jacks? Conclusion Recommendations In acknowledgment, advertisement campaigns of Apple Company need to be stickier.

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Companies need to employ qualified marketing strategists who understand various forms of marketing segmentation (Kotler, 2015, p. Identification of the primary segment, for instance, will positively impact the decision-making process. When appropriate decisions are made at the top management, a company will know how to position specific products in a competitive market. A perfect example is Apple Company through the production of Airpods. Reference list Conley, C.  Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Lamb, C. W. Hair Jr, J. Yzer, M. Theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behavior.  The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects, pp.

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