Report on Beeline

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

The company is a functionally independent unit of Adecco Group, working independently from any big software company and it stands out for having a forward-looking plan and creative solutions for the dynamic requirements of the market. The business provides solutions for workforce management for procurement and human resource management. Market Analysis and Forces Beeline Company is competing favorably in the market, with a provision of comprehensive vendor management systems. However, there is a competitive rivalry from companies which provide alternative sources of labor such as freelancers. Also, there is a rivalry from professional services which seek to convince the market of its need even in the wake of development in technology through vendor management systems. SAP FieldGlass provides services procurement and solutions for workforce management externally. JDA Demand Platform is a company with an integrated supply and retail management chain which helps regulate costs, time and revenue.

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Wand VMS provides a contingency management system for the workforce through innovative approaches to the use of the VMS model. SAP FieldGlass occupies a strong position in the market since it dominates the market compared to other competitors. FieldGlass also operates within the traditional VMS market which is not flooded with many companies. Moreover, the policy should be in the local language of the people living in the area. the document should also be shared among all staff members and employees. The company also has strict demands for suppliers through requirements for a supplier to be proactive in the protection of the environment, as well as issuing a report on its environmental management. Suppliers are also required to train staff on the impact of pollution, the necessity for the preservation of the environment and developing specific roles in the protection of the environment in which they operate.

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The stringent rules set by Beeline company offers strength to the public efforts to preserve the environment. Some of the companies which form the regular clients of Beeline Company include Cerner Corporation, Enbridge and S & P Global. Brand Analysis The brand at Beeline Company is changing dynamically with the evolution of the market. After the merger between Beeline and IQNavigator, there was a change in the brand for the company. The merger saw the inclusion of a new product, which the IQN VMS platform added to the original product which was Beeline VMS ("Beeline And Iqnavigator Announce New Post-Merger Branding"). Also, the merger came with an agreement to phase out of the IQN logo in later months. Business Worth The Beeline business is which offers good VMS services. The business worth is an estimated $100 million.

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The company is known for the development of computer hardware and software solutions for businesses and other customers. The staffing agency perspective of the Company is inadequate in terms of efficiency and user-friendliness. Although the system is cost-effective in expenses and time, there is still more that can be done to ensure improved functionality of the system.  Beeline. Com, 2018, https://www. beeline. com/press-releases/beeline-earns-top-scores-in-analyst-report-on-vendor-management-systems/. Accessed 24 Oct 2018. hgdata. com/product/beeline. Accessed 24 Oct 2018. Karpie, Andrew, and Jason Busch. Beeline Vendor Snapshot (Part 3) — Competitive And Summary Analysis".

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