Research Proposal on Pay and Promotion in Government Service Based on Age
Presently, there are rumors that age discrimination is dominating the government service sector while compared to gender and race. Minimal researches have been carried as regards the issues of age discrimination. Having age as an employment factor there are other sub-factors that branch around it. For instance, the health of an employee, intentions of job shifting retirement, and organizational commitment are some of the sub-factor. This one or the elements that some employers will consider in case they want to hire more employees or there are intentions to replace others. However, there is no concise information as regards the issue and simultaneously, there is no clarity on mechanisms that can deal with the challenge. Nevertheless, the issues as so for impacted lives of Americans and that is the reason a research has been proposed to collect appropriate information pertaining the matter.
Statement of the Problem The research is therefore, aimed at determining on how the two should be balanced while ensuring that nobody is favored because of his or her age. Good pay and promotion should go to qualified and vibrant persons who are believed to steer the wheel of economy efficiently with the fast transforming world. According to the literature review, there are a number of issues that have not been addressed by prior research on this particular topic. The best research question for this study should be: does the age difference of American civil servants affect their pay and promotions in government service in a way that the livelihood of the society implicated. The research question will help the study to formulate a suitable research hypothesis. It is of importance to have the research hypothesis as there are prior researchers conducted on the topic.
Substantial knowledge will be borrowed from their finds and analysis to enable a clear projection of anticipated results. Literature Review According to earlier research by Andrew Wright and Sanam Ammari, it was found out that among other factors age has been the great determinant as to who gets promoted and how much they earn. Hence promoting people blindly because of their long-term service can result in productive redundancy and poor performance. In another survey, older employees felt that they are left out when it comes to promotions in areas that linking to new technologies such as IT departments. Young employees are prioritized when recruiting and hiring senior perso0nnel in these areas. The simple reason is that young generation is more informed on technology matters than the old. Ji sung, in his recommendations on this issues indicated that “the government should carry out regular training on the advances in technology to all civil servants” (Nelson, 2004).
The workplace age discrimination scale will be that of high reliability and validity across the age group. Research Design As stated earlier in the introductory part of this research proposal various research methods will be applied in order to make sure that each and every stakeholder gets to respond in the most suitable (Shields, et. al. Different people have different times schedules hence a similar method or research can be applied to all. Some of the employees might be available for a detailed interview while others might be so busy that they hardly get time to respond the interview. These will be collected again after a period of one week. The seven days period is to make sure that the willing respondents have ample and sufficient time to provide valid answers to the simple multiple choice questions.
Participants who will take part in this study will be randomly selected and that the research will contain an equal number of male and female participants. Participants should be of age 16 years and above and at the same time they should be citizens of the United States. Sample Survey Questions It also noted that many people do not like being bothered especially after long working hours or during their leisure times. What do you think should be determinant of promotion? 9. What could be done to prevent age inequality? 10. Do you think you will be as comfortable working with old age workers than younger ones or the reverse? • Yes • No • Others: 11. From your experience, which of the following characteristics apply to old aged workers? • Experienced • Adamant • Thoughtful • Inefficient • Open to changes and new ideas • Incompetent • Technologically challenged • Less productive than their younger colleagues • More? specify: 11.
From your experience, which of the following characteristics apply to young aged workers? • Experienced • Adamant • Thoughtful • Inefficient • Open to changes and new ideas • Incompetent • Technologically challenged • Less productive than their younger colleagues • More? specify: 12. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures In order to measure the rate of employment discrimination in regard to age, a checklist will be used. The participants who will take part in the study will be required to evaluate the items in the checklist to determine whether in one way or the other they have been affected in the places of work as a result of their ages. Findings All the information gathered will be collected at a central place for comparison and analysis. The data sheets will be categorized according to the age of respondents to easier evaluation.
Sheet with biased information will be sorted out so that the ones with quality and valid information are left for further analysis. References Duncan, C. Loretto, W. Never the right age? Gender and age‐based discrimination in employment. Gender, Work & Organization, 11(1), 95-115. Nelson, T. Refined stratified sampling for efficient Monte Carlo based uncertainty quantification. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 142, 310-325.
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