Role Playing US President Argue against the Israel Proposal

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Politics

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Succumbing to the threats by the Israel authorities over the possibility of having testing its nuclear weapons is a clear indicating of fear, supporting the immoral and unethical activities against humanity and an abuse to the basic tenets and tenets of the office of the president of the United States. In this regard, the presidency declines the proposed nuclear strike by the Israel authorities and instead looks to pursue other options that would lead to controlling of Iran and Israel’s nuclear threats (MacLeod et al. Effective negotiations and studies should be conducted to underscore the ideal motivation behind the ultimatum fronted by Israel and work on mechanisms that will guarantee the United States citizens an absolute safety from the onslaughts of a nuclear weapon. Nuclear weapons are known for their atrocities they cause to the people, environment, economy, and all aspects of humanity.

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By allowing the Israel and Iran deals to run out and to succumb to the unnecessary pressure and conditions from these two countries will mean that the United States has absconded its duty and responsibility of securing the world. Furthermore, the United States foreign policies are based on the common good, common laws, and the strict adherence to the ethical and moral concepts of global peace agreements. In spite of the nuclear weapons being one of the critical tools of securing peace in the Middle East, it is pointless to subject the United States into supporting the Israel nuclear projects, which violates the previous nuclear deals. Accepting the proposal by the Israel will mean that Iran will have found a new ally and this could complicate and spread across the Asian continent and beyond.

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Besides, the citizens will be subjected to supporting dictatorial governments of Israel and Iran simply for the fear that they are vulnerable to the attacks projected by the authorities. United States, through the foreign policies, must stand up to the essence that it gives people the liberty to choose their best way for governance. Rejecting the proposal by Israel will be good for the world since most of the instances it focuses on the ability of Iran to interfere with the establishment of Israel and the entire security of the Middle East. Through the military intervention, it is possible to stifle the aggression of Iranian authorities in the Middle East and entire Asian region, since it falls within the U. S. foreign policies. Since the Cold War, the United States has focused its foreign policies for the middle on maintaining its military bases and influence.

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The foreign policies that the united states has focused on is based on resisting the Islamic states and their sympathizers such as Iran and others, hence the desire to stick by that and ensure that the people are not exposed to ant situation that could hurt them in the end. Effectively, the government is concerned about the safety of the people and the entire world, hence the exploration of other foreign policy mechanisms to tame the Iranian aggression, as opposed to the Israel proposal. Works Cited MacLeod, Scott, and Nahid Siamdoust. Iran: Still Defiant.  Time Magazine 28 (2004). Shapiro, Faydra L. Taming Tehran: evangelical Christians and the Iranian threat to Israel.  Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 39.

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