Segmenting the College Student Market for Movie Theatre Attendance

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

Hypotheses. Statement of findings. Moral Support in Reducing Vices. Enhancement of Theoretical Interpretation Skills 4 4. Increased Inter-Cultural Awareness. Majorly, laying down the foundation of the process would be the primary concern for the process. Planning, as part of the process would require adequate attention and concentration thereby promoting the success of the process. However, it would be of essence to consider the availability of resources and their efficiency hence effective results. The different approaches that would work in order to allow for effective process require to be more practical despite the factual basis involved. From a distinctive point of view, the management would be charged with the smooth running of the process thereby, making it possible to meet the goals outlined while in progress.

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Majorly, the attendance vary from one society to another or one community to another. Additionally, young people tend to be the target and primary market for the frequent films and cinemas held at movie theatres. Prospectively, it is of importance to observe, embrace and attain the segmentation of the college student market for movie theatre attendance. However, despite of the shortcomings and challenges associated with the approaches at hand, it would be of benefit if implementation of managerial policies were in place. Supportively, the ideas involved in achieving the segmentation of the college student market for movie theatre would have to be effective practically rather than theoretically. Promotion of critical thinking in a student’s academic level. e. Enhancement of innovations and inventions in final student projects.

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Statement of findings. Moral Support in Reducing Vices. Moreover, this enhances the students to acquire a sense of appreciation for other culture. Promotion of Critical Thinking in a Student’s Academic Level Prospectively, the displaying of films that would act as an intermediary in acquiring critical thinking which eventually lead to creativity would be of aid in the segmentation of the college student market hence boosting the movie theatre attendance. This would be enhanced due to the fact that a number of students would be inspired effectively in improving their academic level. Enhancement of Innovations and Inventions in Final Students’ Projects. Majorly, the segmentation of the college student market and the movie theatre attendance would be boosted by embracing the idea and displaying films that would aid in supporting inventions and innovations associated with students at the college level.

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Eliashberg, et al 2016, 243). Generally, this will support the smooth running of events at the movie theatre thereby, being beneficial to both the students at college and the management. Creating Room for Suggestions. Following a clear point of view, the use of resources such as suggestion boxes and questionnaires would be effective in obtaining different ideas from the students at college. Therefore, this would give directions for further improvements at the movie theatre hence enabling expanded market for increased attendance. ” Journal of Counselling & Development 95.

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