Socio economic impacts of gambling Research Proposal

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Accounting

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percent of adult Australians participate in gambling activities and there is an increase in the number of machine poker games across Australia. As the gambling industry continues to gain popularity in Australia, the understanding of its operations, contribution to crime rate, and the socio-economic impacts of gambling on livelihoods is imperative. Hence, this research aims to find out the socio-economic impacts of gambling on the livelihood of gamblers in Australia. Table of contents 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………. Gambling exists in several forms which may be classified in terms of popularity among different categories of people in the society. Wang and Antonopoulos (2016) say that gambling is broadly classified into casinos, lotteries, pool betting, and gaming. By 2016, it was estimated that the number of gambling outlets was 1500 with almost 50 percent being located in major cities in Australia (Wang and Antonopoulos 2016).

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Over the recent years, the proliferation of gambling has led to the evolution of gambling from the traditional modes of gambling such as national lotteries and casino to modern forms of gambling such as online and sports betting (Productivity Commission 2016). The per capita spending studies indicate that gambling in Australia has become a major problem because most Australians have become the most prolific gamblers in the world. For example, gambling affects the financial welfare of a gambler and lead to both individual and family distress (Ahaibwe, Lakuma, Katunze, and Mawejje 2016). Additionally, gambling may impose other social externalities such as increased crime rate in the society. As the gambling sector continues to gain more popularity, the socioeconomic impacts of this gaming industry on individual lives as well as on the entire economy is imperative.

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Despite the many studies that have been conducted about the gambling and lottery industry in Australia, there is little literature about the socio-economic effects of gambling both to individual life as well on the whole economy. Hence, this research will fill the gap by examining the applicability of gambling in the Australian context and its socio-economic effects. II. Geographical Scope This research report will be conducted in selected regions in Australia by using some series of focus group discussions in selected regions. Literature Review This review of literature explains previous studies on why people gamble, effects of gambling on the individual, society, and on the economy. Reasons for Gambling The Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC) (2015) indicate that about 24. percent of Australians have at one point engaged in gambling activities in which 73 percent of these gamblers do so with the hope of bettering their livelihood rather than gambling for leisure.

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mention that expenditure on gambling has serious displacement effects on the household and livelihood expenditure, with funds being redirected from household necessities and saving to gambling. Research also points out that gambling has severely impacted the livelihood of the gambler as it has decreased time which can be invested in a productive manner it also reduced the control over spending amount on gambling activities. Livingstone et al. also say that gambling makes it difficult in controlling the amount of time and money spent on gambling which leads to adverse consequences or impacts for the gambler, his livelihood, household or the community. Gambling and crime Ahrends et al. The report indicates that gambling causes real damage on the gambler’s life because it drains the family’s resources to gambling. Abrantes and Gouveia 2012) said that gambling is directly related to an individual’s life.

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In his example, Gouveia says that when gamblers roll a dice, they are rolling their own lives in which if a person wins, then, his or her life is affected positively and if he or she loses, then the reverse is true. Gilbert (2008) say that gambling contributes to the increased cases of divorce in Australia, and this affects both an individual as well as the whole community. The National Gambling Impact Study indicate that about 35. The quantitative data shall be collected through interviews with gamblers at gambling outlets and household surveys. Qualitative Research For the purpose of complementing the quantitative data, qualitative data, especially the social-economic effects of gambling shall be collected through a series of Targeted Focus Group Discussions in selected regions. These group discussions shall aid in giving in-depth perceptions, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes concerning the gambling games.

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The major interviews will be conducted with the stakeholders in this industry, particularly main players in the gambling industry. These will include several types of gambling such as casinos, sports betting, and lotteries among others. However, adults above the age of 18 are will be allowed to participate in individual interviews and the study targets about 600 adults for this survey. Sample Size: Several factors will be considered when determining the sample size for the whole study. For instance, cost and operational limitations, the degree of precision and reliability issues will be major considerations for determining the sample size. b. Gamblers and branch managers’ survey The researcher will present questionnaires at the enumeration areas and give the questionnaires to the gamblers at the gambling site. Out of this figure, it means that a quarter of this population has at one point gambled.

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Thus, statistically, a sample size of 500 participants may not show the actual effects of gambling because the sample size is small. Additionally, the researcher will be required to conduct this research within a limited timeframe which implies that the researcher will work under pressure because two months is quite squeezed to conduct the research and file the report for the same. Time Schedule (Research plan) This study will be conducted between August and October 2018. Conclusion The literature above shows that about 23. and Gouveia, L. Using games for primary school: Assessing its use with flow experience. In Handbook of research on serious games as educational, business and research tools (pp. IGI Global. Ahaibwe, G. D. Fox, J. M. Chen, H. Su, Y. Christensen, D. R. Dowling, N. A. Jackson, A. and Lavis, T.

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Problem gambling family impacts development of the problem gambling family impact scale. Journal of Gambling Studies, 32(3), pp. Gilbert, N. ed. Rintoul, A. Dow Schüll, N. Woolley, R. and Young, M. On gambling research, social science and the consequences of commercial gambling. Wang, P. and Antonopoulos, G. A. Organized crime and illegal gambling: How do illegal gambling enterprises respond to the challenges posed by their illegality in China? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 49(2), pp.

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