Speed variable in synchronous motor drives

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Engineering

Document 1

Non-excited motors………………………………………. DC-excited motors…………………………………………. Synchronous Motor in Demand Side management………………………………………………. International Energy Agency…………………………………………………………………. Electric Vehicle………………………………………………………………………………. Fig 4. Dc-excited motor…………………………………………………………………. Fig 5. Electric vehicle that uses motor drives. Fig 6. Synchronous motor is not self-starting due to the kind of speed developed at the magnetic field. Due to the very high speed, it becomes uneasy about rotating the rotor in its normal position. High resistance is acquired in the normal position of the rotor due to a higher level of inertia exerted by the rotor. This, therefore, implies that regardless of the starting position of a synchronous motor, it will not be self-starting when gauged with asynchronous motors. The production of a synchronous motor is often expensive when compared to an indication motor of the same rating. The rotor follows the field of the stator during rotation hence developing a constant magnetic field.

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The outer stator is meant to magnetize the rotor and therefore to influence the development of essential magnetic poles. Fig 3. Non-excited synchronous motor DC-excited motors DC-excited motors are often developed in large sizes and they deserve direct current in their rotor for excitation. Slip rings and brushless AC rectifier and induction arrangements could be used in this case. It means a prompt to replace some of the old power systems (Judkoff, Ron & Joel Neymark, 35). The amount of electricity that will be saved would be more efficient than the kind of electric energy that will be produced. According to the International Energy Agency, the amount of electrical energy saved by the consumer is 10% worth as compared to any unit protected at the side of the generator. Organizations will always work to increase their electricity prices to make profits.

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In the future, there will be a higher fluctuation of electricity prices based on real-time demands. The speed of a synchronous motor can be described in the equation by Ns= 120f/p. In comparison, f is the frequency, while p is the number of poles. Synchronous speed, in this case, will be determined by the rate of the supply as well as poles in the rotor (Morimoto et al. pp 515). The use of solid-state has been developed to help in varying the frequency fed into the synchronous motor. The open-loop in the picture above gives a chance for the speed of the synchronous motor to be at a given time. Principles of a closed-loop operation in asynchronous motor The second method of regulating the speed of the synchronous motor is by using a closed-loop procedure.

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This happens when there is a necessity of higher and accurate rate. The rotor speed will be paramount in determining the output frequency of the inverter. Preset and actual speed variances in the rotor will have to be fed into the rectifier (Jahns, Thomas, pp 685). Synchronous motors could be divided into self-excited, non-excited and DC excited motors, among others. The demand for synchronous motors and other microgrids have grown high in recent years. Synchronous motors, in this case, have to be revamped to manage the increasing load levels of electricity in the future. The amount of power that will be saved would be more efficient than the kind of heat that will be produced. According to the International Energy Agency, the amount of electrical energy saved by the consumer is 10% worth as compared to any unit protected at the side of the generator.

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Loss minimization control of permanent magnet synchronous motor drives.  IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 41. Gellings, Clark W. The concept of demand-side management for electric utilities.  Proceedings of the IEEE 73.

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