Sports Law Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

Document 1

They were aware of the geographical position of the dirt road but could not allocate enough personnel on the road to help the runners in case of an issue. Secondly, being a nonprofit making or affiliate club, it didn’t have to plan a race in an environment that was geographically dangerous to the runners. The race could have been scheduled to any other roads but not on the road which were safe to the runners. Lastly, the event organizers should be sued for failing to provide enough refreshment services to the runners in the place where the road is found. One of the athlete died while headed to the hospital because of lack of enough water. One of the athlete died on the road because the mud on the road took the rescue team a lot of time to arrive.

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However, the city has to be sued for failing to improve the medical and the nature of the infrastructure. The ambulance did not reach the hospital because the road was bad and that the driver was not the one in power. This shows a sign of incompetence by the city administrative forces in fighting disasters and managing the life of people. iii) Defenses that the Running club will have on the lawsuit The first thing that the running club will hold on is that it is not a profit making entity and is not affiliated to any government. If accused of negligence in areas like failing to provide the services through the qualified personnel, they will defend themselves using the sovereignty Immunity Act of 1935.

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Furthermore, in regards to the issue with dehydration, the City of Ames will strongly defend itself since it was a problem related to the organization of the major organizers of the event, the club. They failed to provide enough cooling points along the harsh and hot road making the athletes to be outweighed by thirst. The city did not enter an agreement with the organizers to supply essential services like water to the athletes implying that some deaths like the one related to dehydration is not their blame. B. First of all the appearance that is seen in the advertisement reveals his peculiar style that is presented in an unusual position. This is a breach of life style of the person who they have not made any contacts with.

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However, advertisement has a hidden and an intentional message since it does not reveal his real face and the uniform he used to wear for his team. The jersey number is also missing implying that they are not up to honoring him through the ad. The other reason why he should sue the company is that, the firm deals with the alcoholic beverage soothing that he is recovering from and would never want to be associated with in any manner. In the confession they will say that all the claim that Fasterfinger has brought to the court are true but the reasoning behind them is not true. Their claim will be that he did attempt to settle the dispute with them to understand the rationale behind the ad and that the ad was majorly to honor him in a special way.

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