Student Loan Debts Essay
Additionally, if the government waivers all or part of the student debts it will cause the American loan system to collapse hence denying millions of college hopefuls the chance of pursuing their dreams. If the government was to forgive all or some of the student debts, there is need for criteria to be followed. The first aspect to be considered would be the number of years that have elapsed after completion of college education. This would mean that first generations to receive the loan would be considered before recent college graduates. Secondly, the government should determine the type of institution attended by the student. It is the student taking the loan and not the institution hence the limiting should be on the students and not the colleges. The college only charges fees with regard to the quality of education they offer hence limiting them would be interfering with their activities.
Student loan debts has been an issue forthcoming for both the government and the students. Obtaining the loans is easy for the students. Most students undertook the loans just because college students were taking the loans. M. Are pay satisfaction and pay fairness the same construct? A cross-country examination among the self-employed in Latvia, Germany, the UK, and the USA. Baltic Journal of Management, 3(1), 23-39. Bok, D. Universities in the marketplace: The commercialization of higher education.
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