Sustainability through Technology and Cloth Modeling
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Fashion
Managers are thereby obliged in meeting demands from company’s interest groups, to achieve business objectives. Research has shown that business with excellent strategic performances realizes that balance plus co-operation of various stakeholders is crucial for business success. However, researchers emphasize that the stakeholder theory aims at defining the purpose of a firm, as well as classifying the management responsibilities to stakeholders. Nonetheless, is essential to note that stakeholder theory should rather generate value plus long-term relationships, which generate profitability driver. Muthu (2018) argues that in the fashion industry, stakeholder theory encourages the contribution to the advancement of the company’s surrounding plus social sustainability. However, the operation of the research is presented in the CSRM, to enable a better understanding of the process. The combination of CSR with fashion has led the selection of the research topic.
And upon preliminary research, it was realized that CSR and sustainable brands differed in their approach to environmental as well as social sustainability within the Fast Fashion Industry. However, the research was curious on the approaches, and the previous understanding of the conceptual framework, on how the advanced technology has impacted to sustainability transformation in Echo Fashion industry. Research Purpose Due to the purpose of this research, a qualitative research method was used since the research question was exploitive to nature and required evaluation through words. However, from the application of the conceptual framework, the research was able to explore the process of sustainable technological advancement in the fashion industry, through an inductive approach method. Muthu (2018) suggests that the inductive approach is mainly based on empirical evidence where the conclusion is drawn.
The research involved several theories other than the stakeholder, which were sourced from a variety of scientific primary sources. Nonetheless, stakeholder theory was selected because it is the focus of sustainability, as well as behind the reason why advanced technology in a sustainable fashion has encouraged growth in the fashion industry. By understanding the stakeholder theory, the answer was clear why innovation has adopted sustainability into the fashion industry strategy. The data collection method used both primary and secondary sources, to conduct and analyze our research. However, the majority of the sources were collected in secondary, and data was exhausted in primary articles. The study choice of data was conducted to fulfill the intention of exploring how sustainability fashion industry adopts technology and innovation in transformation. The choice of secondary data was focused on fashion industry innovation and product production, and how it has been motivated by advanced technology.
According to Brown (2010), Cooperate Social Responsibility was collected from Eco Fashion Company’s global sustainability website to mainly focus on occurring issues. This transformation is required for their existence to contribute to the sustainable transformation of the industry. The most significant aspect of Reformations sustainability comes from them possessing their own factory which allows them to not only guarantee safe and better working situations for their workers but also to control the place that materials are being sourced from. The study shows the stakeholder theory approach to sustainability, sustainable brands and CSR activities together can direct the sustainable alteration of the industry. For reformation to develop their contributions to the sustainable transformation of the company they must look for a way to boost their share of the market. To conclude, this research creates an understanding that for the sustainable transformation of the industry of fashion there is a need for there to be an increase of ECO fashion industry on the market that encourages both consumer knowledge and procedure innovation.
Tham, M. Routledge handbook of sustainability and fashion. Henninger, C. E. In Alevizou, P. Models for sustainable framework in luxury fashion: Luxury and models. Niemann, J. Tichkiewitch, S. Westkämper, E. Design of sustainable product life cycles.
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