Technology and Digital Media in Education Annotated Bibliography

Document Type:Annotated Bibliography

Subject Area:Education

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org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/topics/PS_technology_WEB. pdf. Accessed 20 May 2018. NAEYC organization is an article that elaborates how technology can be used in the development of children's education at a tender age in early childhood level of education. On a daily basis, there are changes in technology. According to the article, one should determine the healthy growth of children, their development as well as their learning principles when choosing the appropriate technology that will be of help to the children. The author also describes the advantages that children get from using technology. The author also argues that technology can be used to develop relationships between children and other parties. He also elaborates how technology can help in the development of social-emotional and pro-social behaviour among children.

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The author also views on how theory can be used in choosing the appropriate technology. The article goes on and explains that in America; among the most growing professional fields, 25 professions need people who possess above average literacy skills. Equally, among the least paying professions, 25 jobs employ personnel who [possess below average literacy skills. The article also touches on the fact that, improvement of literacy levels would be of significant help in the reduction of crime, violence and the unnecessary expensive health expenses that costs about $73 million annually. The article explains that in the present day, close to 6 million kids study under their grade level. The article discusses why bringing forward the literacy needs of children is crucial in solving such problems and that the media can be used to facilitate this agenda.

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Global Initiative, ideas@global-initiative. com. Journalism, Media And Technology Trends And Predictions 2017 | Reuters Institute For The Study Of Journalism".  Reuters Institute. Politics. More widely the site continues to document how there’ll be heated debate about the role and size of tech platforms and the extent to which their activities should be regulated. The site finally touches on how Artificial Intelligence (AI) take over from mobile as the hottest topic in technology, though the practical and ethical dilemmas around how it will be used become ever more apparent through the year. Media Council, Kenya.  Mediacouncil. Or. Ultimately, the article makes recommendations on how global industry best practices that promote and protect media freedom in the digital age can be applied in Kenya. This study finds out that access to mobile and digital technologies and their increasing application in Kenya have had numerous consequences on media production, dissemination, reception and consumption.

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In essence, traditional media have had to adapt to changing trends by embracing digital technologies as they struggle to remain profitable and relevant. Declining audiences for traditional media such as newspapers, radio and television mean it is imperative for companies operating such platforms to embrace change, and adopt technologies for their own good. They have also adopted digital technologies, particularly mobile phones and wireless Internet as instruments through which they can quickly collect, package, and disseminate information. The article talks about why the authors deduce that the world faces a global media landscape rife with uncertainty and excitement, a comprehensive understanding of this new era and what it means for journalists has never been more urgent. The authors’ survey sought to answer a critical question: Are journalists keeping pace with the digital revolution? Despite great strides in leveraging new technologies, they conclude that the answer is no.

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A. Paciga, Katie, and Chip Donohue.  Fredrogerscenter. Results indicate there were fewer examples from research and practice related to infants and toddlers (0-3 years) than other age groups (3-8 years). Less than one-quarter of the entries addressed children with special rights and needs, linguistic diversity, or from homes with low socio-economic status. The majority of the research and practice indicated technology or digital media were being utilized or studied in a home or school/childcare contexts and that parents/guardians and teachers/ childcare providers were frequently identified as involved in children's interactions with technology and digital media. Buckingham, D. Media education: literacy, learning and contemporary culture, Cambridge: Polity. In addition, It contends that although hypertextuality is perceived to be dynamic for its engagement with multiple dimensions, it is also a highly mediated form of accessing information.

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The most significant innovation of the computer, however, is the return to a visually based representation of reality. Paradoxically, the digital visualization of information aids the understanding of abstract concepts while simultaneously increasing conceptual abstraction.

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