Television media

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Media are primarily tasked with the responsibilities of informing people all that is going on which could be either what has happened in the past, what is going on currently or what may be expected in the future. However, it is vital that the presentation of the information to the public is not biased and does not have any harm to the people. This is enhanced through the adherence to the ethical guidelines to ensure the information presented is accurate, fair and objective rather than presenting information that make no sense to the people. It is, therefore, a requirement that media has certain ethical requirements, responsibilities, rules, and criteria to ensure its success and effective delivery of relevant information. Although there are different mediums through which information is transmitted from one person to the other, I will, however, focus on the television media.

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b) Education Although most of the parents may complain of their kids being more exposed to the television, they, however, fail to understand the social responsibility that is played by the media. It has been a common scenario to the current generation where most of their leisure time is spent on either the smartphones or staring at the television screens. These screens are however rich with cartoons and other comedies that are all laughter and also educative. Most of the bright children spent their leisure time while watching the cartoons where they can catch up the information content and also make it easy to understand the language. With such laughter moments, stress is therefore avoided, and this moreover broadens the thinking capacity of individuals. Due to this, it becomes awkward for people to divert from one cultural practice to the other.

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However, after the introduction of television media, people were able to observe different cultures among other traditions, and this led to the admiration of changes in cultural practices. Many countries such as the African continent have copied the western culture such as the dressing and also the eating habits. Also, foods whose origin is associated with certain countries have been consumed worldwide (Stohl et al. This has highly been enhanced through the advertisement and promotions. The media, thus, plays a vital social role in the sports sector. e) Inspiration Although most of the successful scientist, activists, abolitionists and other heroes in the world may have a touching story for the journey of their success, it may however not be easy to anyone to accept encountering such situations in their life. Most of their stories are touching and encompasses many questions as to why they were reluctant in accepting to face such challenges.

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However, television plays one of the comic roles to such heroes. In most cases, it inspires other individuals on taking the same path. Deaths experienced are touching to the people watching, and those people die in a helpless situation. Since then, television media has however been used as one of the best tools of educating people on how to avoid such danger practices. Getting awareness on the challenges faced by people under such conditions creates a state of sympathy, therefore, advocating for the best practices within the society that ensures peace and unity among all the people regardless of the color or race (Sparrow, 2016). Television has therefore played a vital role in the social responsibility in fighting against the racial practices which could negatively impact the society. g) Democracy Democracy among the citizens is one of the critical factors that enhance development within the society.

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This has been created due to the increased technology and also the need to earn a daily living through investments. However, the success has been determined by the techniques used by the business whereby in most cases advertisement has been preferred as the best option. Although different media has been used in advertising by different businesses, television has however been reported as one of the best because people can observe and access on the quality of the product being advertised (Sparrow, 2016). People can identify most of the more quality and attractive products or convincing business premises where people can enjoy shopping, therefore, becoming easier in winning the stiff market competition. Hence television socially plays an essential role in the business by attracting customers thus increasing the profit margin. The Saint Leo university ensure that it attains its goals, vision, and mission at a high level which also creates a positive image to the institution.

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Similarly, the core value plays an essential role in information transmission through television media. In this case, television media organizations ensure that they have set mission, vision, and goals that must be adhered by every staff to ensure it provides the best information to the listeners and assimilate knowledge that may be vital to the listeners to become morally reliable individuals within the society (Movahedi, Miri-Lavassani, & Kumar, 2016). The information to be presented to the world is first researched to ensure that it meets the moral standards to the responsible targets and that has no negative impact. This involves assessing the quality of the products to be offered to the people to ensure its quality is of high degree. Businesses operate in a different environment made of different people from different races.

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Furthermore, people were created by God with different understandings, and their reactions towards certain circumstances differ from one person to the other. These differences are however the source of conflicts between individuals as one’s reaction may be perceived negatively by another individual. Differences in culture also attract cultural conflicts. However, with the ability to understand each other’s differences and have a respect for their culture, race, age and so on helps in enhancing business survival. It is quite easier to enhance balanced development in a given society when focusing on individual development than when generally focusing on a group of people. Therefore, to ensure that the industry acts in line with the Saint Leo University core values, all the members to the institution must demonstrate their commitment in ensuring personal development in the areas in which they operate.

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This also helps in strengthening the character in the society in which the media is operating. e) Responsible stewardship Various unlimited resources are available to both the community and the industry that can be utilized effectively for the success and attainment of the set goals, mission and vision. The resources are however said to be effective when applied in the best way and results in a positive impact to both the industry and the community members. One of the changes that are in line with the core value is the integrity within the industry. The customers and the industry assets which include the staff members should focus on attaining their goals by ensuring that they pledge to be honest, just and consistent (Kellner, 2018). This consistency and honest should not, however, involve word of mouth but should be practically employed.

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The change is not only tasked to the industry but also to the local citizens who use the media for their different purposes. Conclusion Television media plays a vital social responsibility in enhancing the living standards among people globally. Spence, L. Eds. Corporate social responsibility: Readings and cases in a global context. Routledge. Day, L. Juszkiewicz, H. E. Yeakel, N. W. Amit, S. S. Patent and Trademark Office. Kellner, D. Television and the Crisis of Democracy. Routledge. Banghart, S. Woo, D. Social media policies: Implications for contemporary notions of corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 142(3), 413-436.

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