The 2008 2009 Global Financial Crises

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Economics

Document 1

Economists consider this 2008 fiscal crisis as more hazardous than its predecessor does, and the reason for its outburst was the housing bubble of the United States. In the U. S. economy marketplace, the housing bubble takes place within the real estate industry (Bajada & Trayler, 2016). There was the continual rise in the real property valuation up to unsustainable levels reached comparative to the income, and the price rent ratio was affordable. Some Achievements as well as Pending Issues in Global Crisis Context Firstly, there are still risks of businesses returning to their normal status prior to the crisis. Secondly, the fiscal system is still immensely the same. Thirdly, unemployment and job risk decrease gradually, especially amongst the youths, though the overall economy is currently developing.

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Fourth, there is a full swing trend of growth-cum-inequalities with uncertain social and political outcomes. Lastly, fresh risks have as well surfaced, especially from the autonomous debt crisis in multiple European countries such as Greece (Bajada & Trayler, 2016). Of course, economic disparities caused by the ineffective and unequal distribution of incomes are yet to be addressed appropriately. Moreover, there is no sufficient progress in the regulation of the financial system. Are there still Financial Crisis Dangers? In spite of the immense government strategies and interventions to deal with the crisis, the tactics did not efficiently deal with the main inequalities, which proved the financial crisis, particularly the inefficient financial system. Like in medical infections, the strategies as well as interventions tackled the crisis’ symptoms, but did not deal with the crisis’ causes.

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