The harvesters Research
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Arts
The message contained therein in a picture or painting can be complex or simple depending on the intention of the painters. Some painter have the tendency of painting complex arts works which needs serious analysis to unravel the message they intend to convey2. Overview of harvesters The harvester is a painting art work by Pieter Bruegel which was done in the 1565, having been done on wood using oil. The painting on wood was used to depict the August to September harvest time. The painting was commissioned by a merchant by the name Nicolaes Jonghelinck, who was also a banker. The peaceful existence also depicts a peaceful political time, no wars and community wars. Pieter Bruege use of landscaping and genre painting follows Hieronymus Bosch tradition whose art is never devoid of religious significance6.
The landscape represent a very fertile field occupied by very hard working community, the production of the field can be seen by the bundles of wheat sheaves that the women are carrying while some other men are still harvesting. The landscape is extensive and shows that people used to work communally an indication of unity. This has been an independent genre usually recognized through the Dutch republic and extending to Netherlands. The use of daylight, the winds blowing , the colors and the warmth seen in the art , are all seen as belonging to the God’s creation and they were seen as of fundamental significance. Brugels drawings indicate a realistic trend through the use of imaginary things that favors the context of the painter’s intention. Other related works compelled the suppression of Protestants in the Netherlands.
However, the idea of justification of religion by use of landscape painting is so much suppressed to favor humanism and also to have a broader pictorial description of the local scenery which is based on the observations made on nature. Political and social context Political context is the administrative environment while social context the settings on how people deal with each other in a certain society. This is supported by the fact that, in many of his paintings he focused on the poor and the kind of work done by them. This social gap can be connected with the poor leadership of Icarus which ensured the poor continues working for the rich. The image showing some people eating while others are busy working shows the extent to which the world of the painter is not unified such that they worked and ate in turns.
Therefore, the theme of togetherness as a society means a lot to the people in the painter’s world. A group of people shown participating in the sport of blood of cock throwing shows the inhabitants of Belgium were involved of recreational activities which were a means of bringing them together. Journal of Cultural Heritage 16, no. Cuxima-Zwa, Chikukwango. Performativity of Body Painting: Symbolic Ritual as Diasporic Identity. In Narratives in Black British Dance, pp. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2018. McClain, Molly. Landscape, Seascape, Dreamscape Masterworks: Art of the Exposition Era. Meecham, Pam. A Companion to Modern Art. Vol.
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