Toyota Leadership and Management
Toyota Background 5 4. Marketing and Sales Cultures within Contemporary Organisations 6 4. Strategies for Developing Responsible Sales and Marketing Cultures and how they may be maintained within Toyota 7 4. Importance of Establishing Effective Sales And Marketing Cultures Within Toyota 7 5. Analyse the leadership and ethical challenges faced by sales and marketing managers 7 5. Different styles of leadership and how to select and apply these to different situations and people within sales and marketing teams 13 8. Conclusion 14 9. Reccomendations 14 References 15 1. Executive summary Toyota is among the most recognized brands in the world. Since its significant expansion in the 80’s a strong correlation between brand and equity was established. The brand loyalty will henceforth improve and in effect boost the profit margins of the company. Introduction The success of a business is associated with the leadership and management of different departments.
The collective operation of these departments towards a unified goal results in accomplishing the vision and objectives of the company. In reference to sales and marketing, a team leader should be equipped with the necessary skills to ensure the success of his/her department (Johnston and Marshall 2016). Depending on the leadership style one has to be upfront with their decisions. The decisions should encompass the needs of all the relevant stakeholders of the company. This should instill a collaborative spirit among different teams within the organization. The fourth section tackles the determination and discipline and dedication to the established vision and goals. The report also demonstrates how to bring the team to embrace the same spirit. The fifth section of the report addresses how leaders align the available resources in the organization to the intended goals.
Being a dominant name leaves little room to relax, hence the efforts to keep up with the changes. In 2000, Toyota manufactured an automobile with a cutting edge technology and yet sustainable at the same time. Upon launching the model, Toyota Prius, the consumers were eager to test the product. Toyota had a significant sale of over one million Prius cars. In line with the same developments, Toyota ventured on a project to make automobiles that operated on natural gas. Furthermore, a responsible marketing and sales culture entails setting a mission and implementing a new flow to push for the objectives. The maintenance of reliable marketing and sales culture is done through reinforcing the rules. For instance, decisions should be made in line with the benefits of the culture. Also, regular training of sales teams ensures the culture is set up in their routine.
Maintenance of the culture is also done through a sales compensation plan. This reduces the contamination of air with carbon emission hence keeping societal needs at hand (Hino 2010). The CSR benefits Toyota as it ensures employee loyalty and success in the market. As a company concerned about its surrounding and community, Toyota improves its consumer relations. Strategies for Developing Responsible Sales and Marketing Cultures and Maintenance within Toyota. At Toyota, the marketing and sales culture is created and maintained simply. Such that, new members are trained and brought up to speed to the current objectives. The members of the team also have to respect the sales culture in place to reap its effectiveness. The leaders and managers have to monitor and control the operations of the company to ensure it is in line with the Sales culture.
Also, the leaders should ensure a steady process of cascading is on-going. This ascertains that the culture is passed on to new staff and the cycle is maintained for generations to come. A good sales culture further improves the brand image of Toyota. The success of a good sales culture leads to increasing numbers in the client list as many other customers want to enjoy the services of Toyota Company. The Iceberg Model is applicable to Toyota Company as it offers the best strategy to understand its culture. Just like an iceberg, culture is divided into two. There is the visible section and the invisible or submerged section. This is especially true for international ventures. There are disadvantages associated with not establishing an effective sales culture. The company lacks a sense of direction without a viable sales culture.
The objectives clash as they require a unified goal and vision. This will result in poor return as customer satisfaction is not achieved. This calls for care within the company such that occurrences of tort crimes are evaded. To have an ethically apt organization, they have to adhere to company codes, professional codes, business association codes and advisory groups’ codes. Each category of codes presents guidelines for appropriate behavior within the organization. Some of the acts considered unethical include falsification of sales, conflict of interest, moonlighting, fraud and deception and violation of secrecy among others (Hair et al. The leaders have to appreciate the involvement of the law to regulate business activities. There are strong-willed individuals whereas there are those who need a little push to reach their maximum potential. It is the responsibility of the leader to ensure the team is focused on the prize.
A leader should, therefore, be charismatic with a touch of megalomania to ensure the team is set for success (Rego, Cunha, and Clegg 2012). At Toyota, leaders naturally see the potential among team members and instinctively work together to harmonize this potential with the company’s goals. They encourage the members to be outgoing and eager to make an impact on the world through the job presented to them. At Toyota, the monitoring success is process oriented. Each team members is assessed with regard to their input. It is through this approach that the leader can commend or encourage team members (Tsukada 2013). The general output has to be appreciated as well because it takes the whole group to assemble different parts of an automobile. Critically Assess the Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Sales and Marketing Managers In Toyota.
Trust within the organization is critical to the success of the sales and marketing department. A trustworthy manager can influence his team without much effort compared to an organization where trust is lacking. The team listens to their leaders and respect their words. The deontological theories state that the situational focus dictates one’s outlook on things (Hair et al. Nothing is good or bad however with the influence of factors such as trust one can side with an idea. Using the Mendelow’s matrix, decisions on the stakeholder perspective to be incorporated is judged based on their power and interest in the company (Rego, Cunha, and Clegg 2012). Through this approach, a fair contribution from the stakeholders will be involved in the company. Explain How To Demonstrate Fair, Principled Behaviour, Accountability For Achieving Own Tasks And Create Accountability In Team Members.
Leaders are disciplined individuals and in effect are always accountable for their actions. This skill is vital as it stems from moral and ethical standards to policy and decisions making within an organization. This makes it easier to distribute resources for the general good of the company. Explain how to communicate a vision to own team, which articulates underlying values and sets the context in which goals are selected and pursued and how to have two-way communications with the team, enabling team members to ask questions, interpret the vision and see their role in achieving it. A company with a stable relationship among its leaders and staff frequently communicates. Communication clears the air of doubts and sets a clear focus. A leader should be able to communicate the vision of the company to its members (Tanner et al.
Different perspectives are considered before a final decision is made. Also, the managers are free with their environment. This gives them solid ground for consultations. Through internal consultations, different concerns are highlighted hence making the decision comprehensive. To make effective decisions, managers also need to develop an eye for risks and challenges. Relationship between Leadership and Management and A Range Of Effective Decision Making and Leadership Skills for Successful Sales and Marketing Management in Organisations. Leaders and managers play an integral role in the operations of an organization. A manager for one is concerned with the day to day operation, from a general perspective. A leader, on the other hand, identifies prospective ideas and opportunities that will further the success of the company (Johnston and Marshall 2016). The manager is charged with three decision-making duties.
This is evident when Toyota has decided to focus on creating awareness for a new product. All the teams and departments within the company will focus towards this direction. Any ideas formed will be of benefit to this cause and not another. The six thinking hats technique entails uniformity and teamwork in a bid to achieve specific goals at the moment. The thinking style represented by the hat dictates the line of though each team is set upon. The expert power is also applicable as expert knowledge serves as an assurance that the leader is aware of what he/she is talking about. Expert powers influence the sales team through intelligence, job-related information, and experience (Johnston and Marshall 2016). The sales team maintains their compliance with company objectives as they believe in their leaders.
Through consistent inspiration, personal identification alongside the guidance of an expert, the sales team can accomplish great strides. The leadership theory that is applicable at Toyota is Theory H. The company is structured to operate under team leaders and team members. The decisions are coordinated among the members and no leadership position influences decisions solely. The organization of team members is also dependent on the approach their leader takes. To effectively build a team, that is driven by the modest virtues is another paramount duty of the leader. The leader encourages and supports members of the team to achieve set objectives. Bowie, N. E. and Arnold, D. G. eds. Nelson Education. Hair, J. F, Anderson, R, E, , Mehta, R. Babin, B. J. th edn. London: Routledge Johnston, M. W. and Marshall, G.
W. D. Normative ethical theories. Tanner, J. Honeycutt, E. D.
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