Training and Development Plan for IKEA
The purpose of establishing training and development plan for IKEA is to give each staff an opportunity to acquire more knowledge and understanding of the organization’s business idea, culture and core values, becoming more competent hence help IKEA realize and attain its aims and objectives. The plan provides full information on the training needs analysis such as personal, tasks and organizational analyses, training and development methods to be applied, training delivery and the application of Gagne’s nine raining principles, and evaluation models that if adopted by the organization into its system and executed, thus enhancing our organization to achieve maximum job performance and satisfaction through retaining proper individuals and gaining profits. The Training needs analysis Training needs analysis is defined as the process of identifying loopholes in employee training and required training needs.
Prior to any training, the company's first step in developing the training program is to find out what the organization needs in terms of training. The major way to ensure all the training needs are captured is by collecting data which can be done through the use of an online tool such survey Monkey to poll workers on what types of training they would prefer to be offered and also by reviewing performance evaluations submitted by your managers or supervisors. Training needs analysis is divided into three main types namely organizational, tasks and individual analysis. Organizational Analysis Just like any other organization, IKEA carries out an assessment of the business needs or rather the reasons training desirably appropriate. The needs of training are determined by carefully analyzing the organizational strategies, goals, and objectives.
The questions that may arise include what is the overall goal organization tries to attain, who decided the training program to be done, and why is the training needed. With an aim of developing answers to these questions, the loopholes will be identified and hence recommendations to some of the business problems shall be stated as the possible solutions, thus enabling the organization to put in place all the requirements in terms of resources for employee training and development including management interventions. The analysis is basically aimed at the jobs and the job description requirements for performing the work. So the main purpose of the job analysis is to extract more information that is the background of each task performed hence seeking to carry out job specification that is stating roles and duties as well as a level of qualifications in terms of skills desired for a particular task.
Thus, this helps to make sure that the training program developed will cover all the relevant content as per tasks performed in IKEA. Therefore, the organizational actualize the training conducting after we are able to determine what are the best training needs required as far as tasks specifications are concerned, hence enabling the company to improve on career understanding and development of its staff. This is because appropriate content will be made available to learners that our staff and other workers by instructors during the training, for example, information from documents, laws, procedures used on the job. To produce a wide range of well-designed high standard and long lasting furnishing products at lower prices. The training of staff is purposely tailored towards equipping them with additional knowledge and skills so as to meet the so fast ever-changing technological world needs.
At the end of the training, the company expects its employees to be well trained and skillfully design and produce quality furnishing products of high standards and durable. This objective can be measured in terms of the durability and the customer preference on specific furnishing products. To improve employee passion and dedication to job specified duties and roles. Another merit is that employees are open and free to interact when learning since employees feel at home in their own surrounding as well as they know each other. This makes the free air their questions as well as share ideas. On the other hand, disadvantages of on job training are that familiarity with the same workplace environment creates monotony and thus they may not concentrate during the training. Another disadvantage is that the quality of the training might not be high because the training is always carried by supervisors or co-workers just assigned to train yet they possess no training experience and skills to train.
Thus compromise the quality and expectations of the training. In addition, if compared to on-the-job training more employees can be trained at a go. Because of the need to reduce the expense of training employees in shifts the company opts for an option of facilitating many employees to receive training at once. Also, off-the-job training method saves time since huge amounts of information can be covered within a shorter period of time. This because during the training, there is no production and thus short time is required. On the other hand, off-the-job method is costly and expensive. Stimulating recall of prior calling The trainer should revisit any previous learning done his/her team and apply it to what they are doing now, as well as inquiring if the team has had any previous problems regarding the learning.
This to stimulate your learners to be able to remember what they learned in the past with regard to new information they're learning now. Presenting the stimulus You should present new information to your trainees in an effective manner which eases understanding for them. Such new information is delivered by organizing the information in a systematic and a logical manner which can be easily understood. Providing training guidance When a trainer provides alternative approaches that illustrate information that you passing across, it helps the trainees or rather the learners to easily learn and memorize the information for long. The Proposed Training Evaluation Model Training evaluation is described as the process of assessing the value and the importance of the training procedures and session to the employees as well as the organization.
This is often conducted so to assist managers to understand the relevance of training, determine cost-benefits of a program and mitigate weaknesses as well as improve strengths of the program. Although there are several evaluation models, I strongly propose Kirkpatrick's Hierarchical model to be used as it best appropriate for the realization of the company's goals and objectives. Kirkpatrick’s Hierarchical Model This is old, best and commonly used model in critically analyzing training effectiveness so as to save on future expenditure in terms of resources and time hence making improvements. The model is composed of four models; reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Results -At the last level, you analyze the final outcomes of the training. These results are those that the trainer or the organization found to be of benefit to the business, employees or even good for the bottom line.
Conclusion Training and development are of significant importance to IKEA organization as it exposes its employees to new knowledge and skills aligned together with new technologies subject to an ever-changing technological era. With regards to effective implementation and execution of the plan by the organization, there will be tremendous growth in terms of productivity and job performance and customer satisfaction as far as employee competency and suitability is concerned. Hence the firm's goals and objectives of offering high quality, standard, and long lasting furnishing products to better lives at homes will be attained. Ferreira, R. R. da Silva Abbad, G. Mourão, L. Training needs analysis at work.
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