Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Biology

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Recent experiments have demonstrated that, exposure to environmental factors and toxins at the embryonic stage of development, has the ability to induce phenotypic characteristics to the offsprings. They can also increase the risk of acquiring certain diseases such as cancers (Hanson & Skinner, 2016). Environmental factors have a certain degree of influence on the phenotypic nature of an individual and can also result into increased risk of acquiring certain diseases. However, the mechanisms involved don’t follow the “traditional” genetic-pathways: instead, studies have shown that these mechanisms exhibit a unique pattern, which involves; methylation of the (DNA) deoxyribonucleic-acid, modification of the histones, non-coding ribonucleic acids (ncRNAs) and the chromatin-structure ( Hanson & Skinner, 2016). Additionally, it has been found that some of the environmental factors involved in the epigenetic process include; changes in temperature, dietary factors, and stress brought about by environmental toxins.

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Consequently, the offsprings exhibited glucose-intolerance. The study concluded that the high-fat diet caused reprogramming of the paternal sperm cells, hence, affecting the metabolism of the offsprings (Barbosa, et al, 2016) Mao, Liu and Chi focused on the molecular basis of epigenetic inheritance. The chromatin was pharmacologically modified at simple reporter genes. The study revealed that the modifications in the chromatins were inherited mitotically, as long as the induction was done during the embryonic period. On the other hand, the inheritance of the modified chromatin to the next generation necessitated a unique environment. Strong evidence shows how the stressors which we are exposed to, can cause certain diseases to the offsprings. Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance involves, passing of phenotypic information to the offsprings through the gametes.

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This phenomenon does not involve the deoxyribonucleic acid base sequencing (Blake & Watson, 2016). Controversies affecting the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance phenomenon. There are many controversies that surround the transgenerational epigenetics phenomenon. Additional information on the genetic structural signals can be important because less is known about the genetic structures of the complex traits. Overall theoretical work has demonstrated that individual signaling in identity can increase the genetic diversity. However, the hereditability of the quality signals is still controversial (Tibbetts, Mullen & Dale, 2017). Conclusively, transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is an important area in genetics because it widens our understanding on how the phenotypic characteristics can be passed down the generations. This topic has also helped me understand the importance of living a life that is free of extreme negative exposures; this is important in safeguarding the overall health safety of our offsprings.

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