Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

Currently, the US is associated with a population ailing from chronic diseases that of all health problems, are preventable. The country, just like other first world states has eliminated diseases that mostly affect developing third world countries that were relevant a couple of decades earlier. The most common chronic diseases and conditions in the country include type 2 diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart diseases, and arthritis. It should be noted that despite being very common, these ailments are very costly. This paragraph portrays the nature and degree of chronic health defects in the States, with a highlight on statistics. Diabetes has also been linked to disability as is the top cause for non-injury related lower-limb amputation, renal failure, and adult blindness(CDC, 2018 section 1).

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Chronic diseases in the US are also influenced by social determinants. The conditions in which people grow, live, age, and work in addition to the factors that shape their daily lives have a causal link with chronic diseases. These chronic diseases have been found to mainly affect socially disadvantaged groups. For instance, people who come from socially deprived circumstances have a tendency to have poor healthy habits, for instance, smoking. There have been a decrease in the rate of deaths caused by heart disease among men by 68. 4% and among women by 67. When considering sex and race, white men have experienced a death rate decline by 68. 8% while white women have experienced a decline of 67. 6%, black men have experienced a decline of 59. 9 decrease among white men, 11.

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0% decrease among white women, and 19. 3% among black men. The APC for cancer rates have generally increased over time. Considering the period between 1969 and 1990-1992 in all groups regardless of sex and race. In 1970, the healthcare system experienced the introduction of a single-payer universal national health insurance. This created a national health insurance bill that did not have any cost sharing. Thereafter, the Medicare was extended to all. In the 1980s, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act was amended so that employees could continue their health insurance after leaving employment. In 1993, there was a mandatory enrolment into a health insurance plan where all states were involved in the creation of new states in the 1993 Clinton health care plan. 0 Deaths due to tuberculosis in HIV negative individuals 0.

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15 (WHO, 2012 2) According to the WHO analysis, there are many causes for death of children under the age of 5. In 2013, the distribution of child mortality was topped by prematurity which contributed to 28% of the child mortalities. Congenital anomalies came second with a contribution of 25%. Injuries contributed a total of 12% fatalities while birth asphyxia contributed to 5% of fatalities. 6% in males and a rate of 9. 1% in females while the WHO region has 11. 5% for males and 9. 9% in females. In raised blood pressure risk among individuals aged 25 years and above, the country has a 17% risk in males and 14. Before the age of 70, the probability of dying for males is 38% while it is 27% for females. For maternal causes in individuals between the ages of 15 and 49the probability of dying for the females is 1%.

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