Verizon Analysis

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

For example, social responsibility involves connecting between combining sales with helping and carrying out worthy objectives and activities within a community or group of people (Bretthauer, 2015). These are activities aimed at assisting and uplifting the lives of people with the single aim of offering community support. Many organizations engage in social responsibility to help out and make societal contributions in addition to providing benefits to the community. The paper will look at business ethics and social responsibility with a keen look at Verizon Wireless, its operations, policies, and engagements with its consumers. Over the years, Verizon Wireless has focused on maintaining a serious and concentrated moral conduct in addition to social responsibility with the single aim of supporting and reaching out to many consumers.

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At the same time, the organization’s Employee Innovative Learning program has enabled many employees to engage in community endeavours through and by their skills, money, customer interest, and time. The effect has continued to improve on the company’s affairs that align with its Verizon Communications, generic competitive strategy and intensive growth strategies more so in line with offering high-quality services. While adhering to sound ethical values such as honesty and clarity, the company has managed to attract and retain a large number of consumers within the telecommunication industry (Kurtz & Boone, 2008). Such objectives have enabled the company to increase on its influence, strengthen its market, maintain a strong brand image, and satisfied its customers within the wireless telecommunication industry. Management, Leadership and Internal Organization Over the years, organizations have come to understand that management and leadership is not the “bossy” look of the yesteryears.

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Management has a vital role especially on controlling, leading, planning, and organization that dictates a strong influence in supporting organizational culture, success, day to day operations, and employee and consumer satisfaction, in addition to corporate governance. Verizon leadership and management are aimed at blending a history of expertise and visionary thinking. Verizon’s strategic initiatives that involved building on core values that entail management and leadership has given rise to tactical leadership culture that has enabled the company to achieve a milestone of success. What its school of spirit builds on a development spectrum is focused on attracting and retaining the topmost students from prestigious universities and colleges (Bretthauer, 2015). The initiative is critical to the organization's vision of building leadership for the future and more so to its “Leadership Development Program” anchored on promoting growth-oriented leadership and success.

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The decision helps with fixed costs, high quality and operational efficiencies. The second decision is pegged on quality. Verizon’s operations are anchored on a generic competitive strategy and intensive growth strategies that are aimed at satisfying representing customer’s expectations on service delivery and goods. Efficiency in this area improves on brand name, a number one factor in strengthening its market position. Capacity and Process Design is the third decision area in which the management focuses on resource mobilization that helps in keeping productivity high. To ensure a high level of business operation and performance, an organization is and should be keen on keeping optimal support for the laid down infrastructural designs. Putting into consideration Verizon’s criteria and divisions, operation management is an important aspect and contributor to effectiveness and efficiency.

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