Wilson brothers case study

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

Document 1

Therefore, it is my responsibility to ensure that the company realizes success, which can only be possible with the right human resource policy in place to protect the employees’ rights as well as reducing the workforce turnover rate. Good management of the human resource is essential for the long-term survival of an organization and appropriate policies must be implemented to protect employees against any form of discrimination. Therefore, as an HR manager, I will take the required steps in developing and implementing HR policies such that the Wilson brothers company can make use of the strategies within Canada and even beyond their borders (Lewis, 2018). The Wilson brothers being an international corporation, there is a need as a human resource manager to embrace diversity as the culture dictates.

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Workforce diversity in this organization is among the best behaviors that are important in maintaining and fulfilling customers’ needs and satisfaction. On the other hand, meetings are essential in stock taking, which should be conducted in all the departments of the organization. The junior employees need to feel engaged in the decision-making process of the company. This will make the workforce to feel like part of the company’s operations, and the information received from such brainstorming meetings can be valuable in enhancing the performance of the organization. Once such policies are put in place, then they should be made a priority of the organization. Disadvantages and advantages of Organization design and structure Functional strategy merits and demerits In a functional structure organization, the entire decision-making process uses the top structure of management.

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Engaging the junior employees in the decision-making table will make them feel part of the organization, thus motivating them. The inclusive meetings would create a better opportunity for sharing the important view of stakeholders concerning the business position of the organization and enhance product diversification. Employees need to have a sense of belonging instead of selective preference (Banfield et al. The communication channel within the organization seems to be informal due to the lack of formal team meeting where pressing issues can be aired and discussed in order to fulfill customer’s needs. The Wilson brothers decided to adopt both the non-union status of the organization and flexibility of its operations. Wilson Brothers have developed several great products and ideas, but technological advancement, as well as the market demands, are associated with various preference change.

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It is important for the workforce to adapt to these changes as fast as possible (Duggan, 2014). The decline in the market for desserts, home cooking, and diet, the company has to sustain the growing competition from the ‘’house-made products’’. The company has shown their willingness to adapt to the market demands by lowering their product prices. Making such changes can be very difficult due to the fear of the unknowns. Therefore, the company was able to control their foreign markets with a lot of cultural sensitivity, which enhanced their productivity as well as the reputation of the company. Power and influence The Wilson Brothers’ brand is strong in the market due to their good relationship with their customers through their effective marketing skills and salespersons.

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