WOMEN AND POLITICS article review

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Politics

Document 1

Social Indicators Research, 102(2), 245-264. Summary According to Coffe & Bolzendahl, 2011, studies have tendered to focus on the gender difference in the political field of Western industrialized democracies forgetting the global south nations and which are the majority. There is little that has gotten established about the gender gaps within the Sub-Saharan African nations and which seem to provide for relevance in their political and developing democracies. The gender parity comparison provides for the number of men and women who are in the political seats and how they have made it within that section. Traditionally, the consideration of political and power has always been left upon the men to determine and direct on the way forward even in the already developed nations. A study that takes time to explore and relate information in line with the topic makes relevance in the wider scope of the study as well as making it meaningful in the overall induction.

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The used sample makes sense in the study together with the information extracted from the Afrobarometer data of 2005. The indication from the sample of 18 nations within the sub-Saharan nations serves a positive image. The sample and its definition around that region are efficient and enough towards getting to establish the gender issues around the regions and make it more meaningful. Also, the Afrobarometer data provides to be relevant in examining the issues around the 18 nations. The anchored aspirations of the study were to try and establish the challenges that women face as they try to participate in the political arena in global south nations an example of Kenya within its two counties. In an overall view, there were significant similarities between the two counties. It got established that financial muscles were necessity towards one gaining access to the political office.

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Financiers in both also preferred male candidates other than women candidates due to the belief of masculinity. In Kajiado County there were educational disparities that barred the women from accessing the political seat. Aligned on that state, the study made it possible to identify different factors and which are relatively for women and their political desires other than an inclusive agenda which tends to confuse the information. It is clear and well articulated for understanding through pointing out information as it is in the whole study. The study lacked the aspect of further research after its conclusion. In every study that gets undertaken, there are always certain aspects that have not been exhausted or require deeper interpretation. These aspects always need to be recommended for further analysis and study to clear the waves.

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Even with the induced steps to more women participation in politics, the old model of politics is still in existence and serves to limit their participation due to cultural setting and their beliefs. There has been no one to hold accountable for the promise made on women and hence making it difficult for them to access the seats. The article concludes that even with these promises being made after every election, for the women future in politics to get realized they have to do it by themselves and not rely on other people to offer them refuge or advocate for their grievances. Critique The utilization of Somali nation that has recently concluded their election serves as a positive initiative for the study. The provision of Somali makes sense that it is a country that has not enjoyed peace for long as well as a nation that gets encompassed with cultural barriers.

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