Writing with Statistics

Document Type:Math Assignment

Subject Area:Statistics

Document 1

and 46. of student residents ever abused Marijuana, hookah and cigarettes respectively (Sidani, Shensa, & Primack, 2013). In Rocky College, substance abuse is a contentious issue necessitating the intervention of faculty administrators, and Top management officials; however, to adopt effective resolution strategies, the administration requires knowing the prevalence of substance abuse in the college. This statistical report was conducted to determine substance abuse among Rocky School students with a sample of 90 students. A questionnaire was issued with three basic questions to be answered by each student before conducting a statistical analysis to access the rate of substance abuse in relation to a reported prevalence percentage of 46 %. Proportion of Female students and type of substance abuse. Figure 4. Proportion of all students in substance abuse against those not Figure 5 proportion of male abusing substance against those not Figure 6.

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Proportion of female students in substance abuse against those not From the data above, it is clear that some students at Rocky school are involving themselves with substance abuse. Binge drinking is the most abused substance with other forms of substance abuse taking equal proportion figure 1. to 1. figure 6. confidence interval results Table 1. Shows proportion of all students involved with substance abuse proportion of all students involved in substance abuse 94. Proportion of all male students involved in substance abuse 89. At 90% confidence interval, the proportion of all students at Rocky school participating in substance abuse is at 93. and 94. as shown in cells D210 and F210 respectively. In essence, if repetitive samples were taken and 90% confidence interval was computed for each sample, 90% of the intervals would contain the population proportion mean. In comparison to the population mean of 46%, the rocky school percent substance abuse of the sample mean surpasses the whole countries substance abuse.

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and 47. as shown in cells D235 and F235. In essence, there is a probability of 0. that if repetitive sample students were taken from rocky school, the sample mean of those engaging in abuse of prescription medication will be higher than that of the whole college students. i. e it will lie between 55. and 54. which is slightly higher than 46%. Hypothesis Table 5. Shows proportion of all students not involved with substance abuse proportion of all students not involved in substance abuse 5. population mean) In summary, since cell C217 is true i. e. E255-C264 > A255 as shown in cell C273. The null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is taken as valid. The P-value is less than 0. The probability than Rocky school is abusing substance more than other college students is near certainty.

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In all forms of proportions computed from the sample mean, it suppressed the reported country-wide population mean of 46%. According to McCabe et al. it was determined that use of non-prescribed medication was between 0-25% at particular colleges. Although the study showed males were more to substance abuse than ladies, in Rocky school the reverse is true. to ensure there is less than one in a thousand chance of being incorrect. Also, the method should establish a control sample so as to validate the data. In conclusion, it is not far-fetched truth that substance abuse in Rocky School is almost getting out of control, a problem that seems to affect females than males. In particular, only 1 lady out of 5 students chosen at random does not engage herself in substance abuse. Out of 18 students, about 17 are involved in substance abuse.

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McCabe, S. E. Knight, J. R. Teter, C.  Journal of community health, 38(2), 238-245.

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