Criminology Annotated Bibliography Examples & Study Documents

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Youth violence in America Annotated Bibliography

Preliminary bibliography Bushman, B. J. , Newman, K. , Calvert, S. L. T…

Words: 1119Pages: 5

Recidivism Annotated Bibliography

T. Predicting relapse: a meta-analysis of sexual offender recidivism studies.  Journal of…

Words: 857Pages: 4

Annotated Bibliography The Juvenile Justice System

Retrieved 1 May 2018, from https://www. huffingtonpost. com/cara-h-drinan/juvenile-justice-in-ameri_b_7054254. html The standards that govern…

Words: 1661Pages: 6

Ferguson Police Department Annotated Bibliography

Ferguson documents: The physical evidence. NPR. Retrieved from http://www. npr. org/sections/thetwoway/2014/11/25/366575509/fergusondocuments-the-physical-evidence Krisnadev calamur…

Words: 1009Pages: 4

San Diego Police Department Annotated Literature Review

In this article a political science professor in the University of California…

Words: 781Pages: 3

Higher Education Fees in Australia Annotated Bibliography

3, 2014, pp.  Wiley, doi:10. 1111/japp. According to this article, the author…

Words: 1581Pages: 6

Mass Incarceration In America

Overcrowding and Overuse of Imprisonment in the United States. Retrieved from https://www…

Words: 6247Pages: 23

Wayne williams atlanta child murder case annotated bibliography

Retrieved from: https://www. ncjrs. gov/App/Publications/abstract. aspx?ID=94475 Deadman (1984) argues that before the discovery…

Words: 1571Pages: 6

Gender symmetry in domestic violence

Kimmel's book provides a thorough elaboration on claims to gender symmetry in…

Words: 308Pages: 2

Men are victims of domestic violence annotated bibliography

However, there is enough evidence that the majority of domestic abuse victims…

Words: 458Pages: 2