ABC Restaurant Contracting Report

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

This report addresses this problem with the intentions of obtaining a contract to transform the ABC Restaurant into a world-class player in the hospitality industry. Resolution Limited is dedicated and focused on obtaining a contract to facilitate the realization of this dream. This company has acclaimed countrywide acknowledgment in serving in this capacity and would be happy to impact ABC Restaurant combating this deficiency positively. Problem Definition and Implications Despite enjoying a significant market share in the hotel industry in a city with a high population, the ABC Restaurant has limited growth over the years in this industry. It is noted that majority of the city dwellers, as well as travelers, find ABC Restaurant as one of its kind not only in the city but also the whole country. Also, the method is cost-effective and yields quality service deliverance in the bar sector.

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Customer satisfaction has been our top-notch goal, and we have been able to achieve that through this approach. More customers will frequent the bar and will be served better than they used to. The methodology may take longer, but its effects will be felt full and more profound. Data Gathering Proposal Data will be collected from different customers over a wide area to cover. Data will be gathered majorly through interviews and observation. Clients in the hotel will be presented with forms and requested to write their response to questions in the form willingly. These questions will address what they prefer and what they like about the bar service in the ABC Restaurant. The forms will contain open-ended questions so that willing to participate can give detailed information. Interviewees can further share their satisfaction and what they would wish to see improved.

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Connecting people is one powerful technique of producing a change. Workers should be able to relate well to each other as all of them are working towards a common objective. Bar attendants need to appear happy and cheering so that they can serve customers efficiently. Any tension or unsolved conflict between any of them may be directed at the customer in the form of anger or anything nasty and result in customer dissatisfaction. Meetings are necessary to put to table matters that need to be addressed before it is too late to bear. They need become problem solvers and employ necessary measures to react positively to customer complaints and serve accordingly. Outcome of Intervention The above measures are expected to affect ABC Restaurant in many ways positively. Level of customer satisfaction will rise, and the restaurant will realize more profit.

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There will be reduced conflict among employees and management as issues are solved through the necessary set channels. Employees develop good communication skills which help them to communicate with the clients effectively. This period may range from two to three weeks from the day of its commencement. Meetings will be called on a regular basis, and each will take approximately one hour. Some sessions may, however, take more than that depending on the complexity or importance of the issue addressed. I will then notify all participants of the completion of the intervention. The whole intervention is expected to take seven weeks for completion. This should be directed to my bank account under the name of Resolution Ltd, which is my company. Qualifications My company, Resolution Limited, has had many records of successfully turning non-performing businesses to shoot within one month after intervention.

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The broad range of experience plus a trained staff in this field has made us outstanding among other consultant firms. We have served abroad, and many of our clients were very happy and reported success after our intervention. I have a master's degree in consultancy from the Harvard University which means I am fit to serve you and bring success to your business.

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