Managing Change Essay
In the field of communication, a lot of changes have occurred. People are now able to communicate regardless of their geographical locations, a business can be managed from any corner of the world, and the barriers which used to bar people from exchanging ideas have now been overcoming. For example, the face me application being used in modern smartphones and various computers. This application enables people to exchange ideas while they see one another, different communications aspects like body language and facial expressions can be applied during the communication process. A manager who is conversing with his juniors using the application is often able to establish whether the juniors he/she is addressing have been satisfied. In terms of change, the points of weakness are often laid a lot of focus by introducing aspects which aim at improving their performance as well as accelerating strong instances where the organisation is stout at a given period of time.
With this an orgnisation is often able to take necessary measures geared towards making profits Organizational management needs to establish and be aware of how to strengthen their organizational health. The ability to attain excellent performance, to execute, align as well as an organization to renew itself entails good health. With this, therefore, in initiating different changes in a particular organization, the management needs to put measures in place for it to execute different activities excellently. For example, it should be in apposition to motivate its employees through pay rise as well as the mind in about the worker's welfare for the workers to worker tireless towards achieving the set goals and objectives. Designing as well as bringing out a far-reaching change makes an organization meet its short-term as well as long-term objectives more easily.
By realizing this, business managers can come up with a vision, mission as well as values to be followed to stick to one direction of making profits. In accordance to this, a culture of success is often developed. Individuals in the organizations often conform to different regulations and philosophies which the organisation managers come up with, and thus success is realized (Balogun, and Hope, 2015). in a situation like this, the management lines its activities towards realizing its objectives, it come up with actions geared towards making sure they either releasing their set objective, do more than what the objectives had indicated or closely arrive at the particular targets which they had drafted but not to realize them. This is the challenging type of change as it often includes different stakeholders incurring costs which they may not be in a position to incur at the time when the change is needed.
However, in an event where the change becomes successful, an organization production often rises up and out dos the other firms which operate on the same line. The world is changing, and management of an organization should be aware of this for their activities to be in line with the current change and levels of people. For example, in the present world, many products which used to be used in the past are no longer in use today. For example, the charcoal iron box, monochrome televisions and some radios which used to use cassettes are becoming obsolete as time moves on. In the event of a bank, the management should be in a position to diversify and increase the number of tellers who attend different clients (Hughes, 2010). The number of people who save in banks in the present world have increased and thus the different bank management needs to be in a position to initiate a counteractive measure to the different changes occurring in the present world, with this therefore, an organisation which appreciates the role played by transitional change, especially at the point of service productions, realizes its set objectives with ease as the levels of profits its et to achieve within a certain period.
Transitional changes also involve incorporation of technology in the diverse activities which take place in an organization. In the present world, a lot of inventions have taken place. People’s creativity has increased, and as a result, the mode of doing things have changed. Since in the past there were great problems in making sure information is safe, organisation management needs to be aware of this mode of technology to make sure it stands out in safeguarding its privacy. The transformational change also entails making sure that every stakeholder within an organization is well equipped with the necessary skill and knowledge needed to cope up with the desired change. Regarding this, management often needs to come up with a program of making sure that tier workforce is well trained and equipped.
For instance, they may come up with seminars as well as in-service training where by the employees are advanced and equipped with the current know-how needed For them to be part of their excelling team. A management which makes sure that every stakeholder is aware of the particular change needed in order to move in their organisation makes the workers feel that they are fully minded for and that the organisation belongs to them, they give in to the changes whole heartedly and thus adopting to the changes no matter how challenging they may be becomes very simple as their attitudes towards the organizations is often positive (Carnall 2014). For instance, in an event where a new procedure is set to be introduced in a billing department of an organization. The management often takes measures in place to educate the stakeholders whom will be affected as well as make it know to every individual in the organization that there will be changes in a certain department for every individual to beware and adapt to the change when it is taking place.
When the change is effected no individual will be left out or negative effect in their doings and thus the process will be easier adopted unlike it could be the case in an event where no one was told of the change before it took place as everyone will be expecting and prepared for the change. Furthermore, technology results in huge productions unlike in the case people are working. For instance, in the field of extraction and digging of tunnels, excavators often do a lot of work which human resources would take ages to accomplish. An organization’s management should be able to make use of these three perspectives. An organization which understands the three perspectives often prepares their stakeholders before a change is introduced, everyone is often educated and given room for skills advancement in order not to be left out while adopting the needed changes.
Increase productivity often results since the caging process takes little time to be affected. With this, therefore, every organization; management should be in a position to realize the different types of changes and put them into practice to result in the different desired implications Bibliography Senior, B. Swailes, T. London: Pitman Publishing. Carnall (2014) Managing Change in Organisations, (6th edn),Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Hughes, M. Managing Change: A Critical Perspective, (2nd edn. London, CIPD. and Machin, S. Implications of business process management for operations management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 17(9), pp. Bordia, P. Hobman, E.
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