Ability of a Lesson Plan to Meet the Lessons Goal

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

The use of pedagogy and technology presents various strengths and weaknesses in attaining the three goals of learning. Strengths The students will be well engaged in the leaning process if they closely follow and concentrate on the perimeter introduction video on You Tube and holding group discussions through nearpod. After watching the video, the students will hold discussions on the same. The fact that the groups are made of two people sharing a computer ensures that all students have close access to a computer screen and they can following on the video keenly. Students will be more engaged and likely to participate when technology is used in class (Rosso, 2016). By exposing the students to more complex sums like the calculation of the perimeter of the quadrilaterals and triangles with missing sides the students will be encouraged to discuss the problem with their pair (Vancouver Island University, 2018).

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The students will gain more by extension from the discussions like on finding the value of the missing side and the perimeter in the long run. Such complex situations force the students to have to involve each other and in the process more is learnt and more is retained. This techniques will be an advantage to pairs that have mixed abilities. By extension, the incorporation of technology in the class makes it easier for the teacher to pass their message and allows the children to develop a life skill in this digital times. The students attain the higher academic achievement levels through the ideas to practically solve any problems. Involving challenging activities or the complex thinking is another effective pedagogy in use in the context.

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Important to note students who are at risk of failing academic fail, are often exposed to any academic challenges assuming that they have limited capabilities or they are prone to poor assessments. As result, there is the weakening of feedback and standards and the result will be impeded achievement. Meaning assessment and high academic standards enables there to be responsive assistance and feedback to the students (Teaching Tolerance, 2018). Weakness The engagement of all the students in the watching of the Perimeter introduction YouTube is not assured. Some of the students might decide not to engage in the virtual learning site or even hold the discussions. Additionally, the video runs for a period of 8 minutes and some of the students might lose interest in the process if there is no close monitoring.

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In the engagement session where there will be group discussions and a pair per computer, some of the students might be overshadowed by their pair for instance if one of the student is more vocal than the other, or one is more confidents in discussing their view than the other (Corden, 2001). Some students might also choose not to discuss at all and thus the learning goal of identifying what a perimeter is might not be achieved. Additionally, to others who might have understood, the arithmetic might be so hard for them to comprehend. Some of the students may reject the video as it needs them to interpret or conduct an analysis and they may instead prefer to have direct instruction from the teachers that actually deals with the comprehension.

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And thus students like these will need a different training like more of the outside of the video and little extension goals will be achieved in such conditions. There are some weaknesses in the assessment methods as through the quizzes. The teacher could not tell if both students understood the process and reached the right answer or it is just the more capable student that handled the problem on their own and reached at right answer. Brändström, C. Using the Internet in Education-Strengths and Weaknesses: A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Opinions on the Use of the Internet in Planning and Instruction. Corden, R. Group discussion and the importance of a shared perspective: Learning from collaborative research.  Qualitative Research, 1(3), 347-367.

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