Impact of Bullying in Schools

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

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However, in most cases, bullying has been reported in schools where there has been poor performance mainly from the past. As such, there are various measures through which schools have been taking in order to reduce the number of bullying cases. In accordance with Rigby (2007), bullying cases have been viewed as major barriers towards the improvement of performances. Rigby (2007) classified bullying as the major threat towards school attendance. Majority of the students who were bullied did not report the cases. Schools with a higher rate of bullying have been considered to experience a higher number of students leaving thus going to other institutions. In the Past, teachers have been viewed to play an important role towards the performance of students and the school in general. The leadership offered by the students matter most when it comes to how an individual will perform.

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According to various research, students performed well in subjects which were taught by the teachers whom the liked the most. Thus, students felt comfortable asking teachers questions which they viewed were more complex. Having humor is important too. Humor makes students enjoy a class. Students were seen to perform poorer from the subjects which were taught by tutors who had no humor. Lastly, friendliness between a teacher and a student is crucial in that they might be able to interact more based on even home issues (Fong-yee & Normore n. d). The decline would then result in better school performances. Significance of the study The study aims at discussing the impacts of bullying in schools and also how the teachers' perspective affects the student's performance. Young students are suffering in schools due to being bullied by older students.

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They are unable to carry on with their normal duties like studying as a result of fear. Bullying has made students to involve themselves in negative activities such as using drugs and other substances so as to forget past occurrences. Also, the study will highlight how teachers play role in students performance and how they can become better to enhance performance. Literature Review Bullying in schools has been a major factor towards contributing poor performance in the recent years. Schools have experienced lower turnouts. These turnouts have affected the students, teachers and the school in certain ways. First and foremost, lower school attendance has acted as a barrier to success hence absent students end up missing important classes. As a result of being idle, students get to think of negative things which they would do and increase their motivation.

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Many bullied students end up using hard drugs which later affect their well-being. At times, bullied students go through sexual harassment. Different types of sexual harassment may have negative impacts on the life of the students. According to Strauss (2012), sexual harassment has been considered to be among the worst forms of bullying in schools. Some of these negative impacts may include HIV and other serious illnesses. Another impact of bullying would be lack of trust among fellow peers. An individual might not feel to be at ease to discuss some of the problems his faced with. Lack of these trust has led students to suffer in silence until when bullying affects their life permanently. It is evident of how bullying has been able to tarnish names for several schools thus making parents have less trust in admitting their students (Strauss 2012).

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As stated by Fong-yee & Normore (n. d), teachers play a crucial role in the performance of a student. In order for a teacher to influence a higher performance to the student, it is his mandate to follow up on the activities done by the students. Teachers who offer motivation to the performance of the students are more likely to be successful in comparison to the tutors who punish students for poor performance (Fong-yee & Normore n. d). d). In the recent years, teachers have been viewed to play an important role towards the performance of students and the school in general. The leadership offered by the students matter most when it comes to how an individual will perform. In a statement by Fong-yee and Normore (n. d), students performed well in subjects which were taught by the teachers whom the liked the most.

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Data collection methods Data collection mostly involves collecting information that goes parallel with the particular study. In the data collection, it will take a week to complete gathering of information which shall include several members of the public who are mostly parents. In cases of inconveniences, it may add up to two full weeks of the collection of data due to several factors. Also, it shall involve young adults who previously completed school and also students who have been victims of bullying. There are various issues which will need to be discussed hence require consideration before and after taking on the research. Interviews will help me collect qualitative data that will help compliment the findings. References Top of Form Fong-yee, D & Normore, A. The Impact of Quality Teachers on Student Achievement.

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Retrieved from http://digitalcommons. fiu. Johnson, K. Bullying in schools: why it happens, how it makes young people feel and what we can do about it. Vol. No. –231 Strauss, S.

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