Effects of poverty on academic achievement

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

OBJECTIVE/PURPOSE OF THE STUDY 6 1. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 7 1. HYPOTHESIS 7 1. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 7 1. SCOPE/LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 8 1. It is important to note that this research work consists of various chapters. Chapter one talks about the background of the study. Conversely, the significance of carrying out this study was developed based on the additional challenges encountered by the researcher in the course of the research work. Chapter two points out the review of associated literature whereas chapter three was purely on methodology. Some of the consideration made in this area comprises of administration of questionnaire alongside techniques of data analysis. The process begins typically with student’s foundation relationship with their parents or those who look after them as they develop. This foams usually a character that is either well protected or fully attached to their loved ones or a character who feels so insecure and isolated.

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Those children who are securely bonded in most case have an outstanding performance at school. This is because the dual factor plays a very significant role in the social status and socialization hence they end up performing much better in school. According to Greeberg, et al. Nevertheless, the primary goal of conducting this study is to find out the impact of poverty on student academic performance. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Powerful, well-protected links devoid of poverty and lack assistance stabilize children’s emotionally and issues the foundation guidance that is required in establishing lifelong social skills. Majority of children who developed with such relationship tend to learn healthy, at the same time they understand emotional responses to an everyday way of life. However, children who have been brought up in less privileged homes often fail to recognize these reactions, to the disadvantage of their school presentation.

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For instance, students who suffer poignant instability may get frustrated so quickly that they end up giving up when they were just about a stone throw to success. What are other factors that affect the academic performance of the students in the third world countries? iii. What are some of the factors that propel poverty in the society? 1. HYPOTHESIS HO: There is significant relationship between student academic performance and poverty HA: There is a substantial link between student’s academic performance and poverty 1. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The following are the significance of the study: 1. The result of this experiment will educate the entire public on the effect of poverty on the performance of students. Home Environment: home environment can be referred to as the surrounding where students live. In this study home environment implies to the adequate facilities which a particular homestead provides to a particular student.

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Poverty Alleviation: this is actually the act of minimizing poverty. In this study it refers to specific challenge or problem that is resolved as a result of poverty. CHAPTER TWO 2. In spite of the large structure of research in the United States on the possible effects of poverty on the academic performance of school going children, Canadian data tend to be sparse. Procedural intervention to figure out the low reading levels of children in poverty alongside low-income homesteads is very rare particularly in Canada (Mayer et al. How poverty within families affect academic achievement Even though, different studies have documented the connection between family poverty alongside the health of children, academic achievements as well as their character traits. Very few measures the impact of the timing, intensity and the period of poverty on children and majority fail to fiddle with other family characteristics traits (for instance, mother age, schooling and female hardship) that may account for various observation that correlates between poverty and the outcome of the child.

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Various studies have proven that family income tend to be more strongly linked to child ability and achievement as compared to their emotional outcome (Garret et al, 2009). Target Population According to Gall and Borg (2011), they describe populace as the entire group of actual or hypothetical cluster of individuals objects or events that researcher hopes to generalize the outcome of the study. Therefore, a population is any cluster of people, observation, or test through which we are interested in. Sample and sampling techniques The sample can be described as a tiny group acquired from the accessible inhabitants. Therefore, every being in an example is known as a participant. Sampling is a procedure of choosing some people to study such that the person has selected act as a representation of the entire group where the sample was taken from.

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Material and Child contribute to Certisol Response to emotional arousal in young children from low-income, rural communities. Developmental psychology, 44(4) 1095-1109 Borg, W. R. and Gall, M. D. Yeung, J. W. Smith, J. R. How much does childhood poverty affect the life chances of children. New York. Harris, J. No Two Alike: Human Nature and Human Individuality. I New York:W. W.

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