Employment relations is a major point of reference for establishing both the nature and extent of rights and obligations of employees towards their employers. With the intense changes that have taken place in the environment of work and especially in the labor market has led to the development of new types of relationships which have failed to match the parameters of employment relations (Lukosi 2015). Even though such relationships have maximized flexibility within the labor market, they have led to an increase in the number of employees that do not have a clear employment status and they are often outside the scope of the security that is mostly linked with an employment relationship. The legal framework that governs the employment relations is a significant element of national policy for managing the change in the labor market considering the need for security and flexibility.
For many years, the issue of employment relations has in a way or the other been on the International Labor Conference program. Essentially, most employees do not only work for money rather they need to make advances in the careers and gain a sense of responsibility and trust from their employers. Employees also need to feel appreciated, learn and develop as well as maintain good working relations with their colleagues and employers. Thus, when employees fail to experience any form of growth, they end up losing their sense of motivation and inspiration. Dissatisfaction among employees due to low pay, may force them to rebel by contributing less than expected, increase their complaints or leave their jobs. Job dissatisfaction is of significance in matters so of organizational performance, the employees, managers, and customers.
Additionally, the idea of redundancy is an important cost factor for most organizations and can, therefore, prove to be a made-up economy. Global competition, as well as major environmental changes, are raising concern and because of that organizations are required to adjust. The desire to grow economically has made companies to consistently seek new ways of adapting and changing to other forms that are flexible enough and lead to the endless creation of more innovative opportunities. Scholars have revealed that most of the organizations based in the United Kingdom have embraced the redundancy strategy of cutting down costs (Nyasha 2016). As a consequence, the approach has proved to be the most destructive form of workplace change since it undermines the morale of workers, their confidence, comfort, and trust. Also, redundancy makes the surviving employees display nonlearning attitudes, make deliberate errors and damage as a way of voicing their survivor syndrome, something that may impact the performance of an organization (Nyasha 2016).
Because of the perceived effects of redundancy on organizational performance due to low employee morale, organizations need to consider other alternatives to redeployment, manpower planning, pay cuts and loan-outs. Sickness Absence Among the most difficult issues facing managers in the current dynamic business world is the need to control issues that relate to the health of the employees. Issues relating to health are mainly responsible for absenteeism which is deterrent to workplace productivity. The concept of absenteeism is a significant issue because studies have revealed that it has an indirect impact on the medical costs. Many organizations experience an evident increase in the number of working hours and therefore force employees into working overtime. At Peddie’s fellow employees have begun to feel disgruntled because they are required to provide sickness cover on the days they are supposed to be off duty.
Furthermore, they are finding it challenging to go for breaks since it leaves co-workers that formed friendships to be short staffed (Bergström et al. Therefore, overtime requires the remaining workers to work more than their pre-set time duration, something that hurts the quality of their lives. Consequently, over time leads to fatigue among employees and results in sickness absenteeism. Errors that are caused by poor communication results to damages that drive away key employees and good customers (Conrad 2014). Employee Involvement in Decision Making Trust is a crucial element of organizational effectiveness. Therefore, trust between individuals is at the core of control and coordination in an organization (Singh 2009). Members of an organization are often in agreement that when the decision-making process has limited control of being capable of voicing opinions, a positive link is formed because of the existing trust in managers.
Workers may have greater control over decisions that may affect them when their employers involve them when making decisions and thus they can safeguard their interests (Singh 2009). Below minimum wage might cause interested applicants to an employment offer (Nyasha 2016). Furthermore, the company should be able to assess the existing pay systems with regards to the strength of pay-performance relations. Even though a majority of non-unionized and non-government workers are supposedly paid based on merit, a study on the merit systems of most companies reveals little differences in pay raises between the averagely performing employees and the superior performing employees. Also, during the implementation of the policies and practices of compensation the company is required to assess the success its strategy. This can be achieved by tracking the behaviors and attitudes of employees.
Alternatively, managers may reduce sickness among employees by especially focusing on enhancing their welfare through promoting family-friendly policies (Bergström et al. Also, they should display renewed efforts to eliminate the barriers to employment of the ones on invalidity benefit. In the context of health, employers tread a fine line between enhancing motivation among those that are greatly motivated but have their health destroyed by availing themselves for work rather than seeking for medical help or even be at home recovering. To address communication issues in the company. All branch managers should schedule regular communication times. References Bergström, G. Bodin, L. Hagberg, J. Aronsson, G. and Josephson, M. Lukosi, E. D. Employees’ Job Dissatisfaction and Organizational Performance in Tanzania Police Force: The Case Study of Tanzania Police Force Headquarters (Doctoral dissertation, The Open University Of Tanzania).
Nyasha, M. Impact of Redundancy on Organizational Performance. G. A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION IN DECISION MAKING. Unitar e-journal, 5(1). Sisodia, S. and Das, I.
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