Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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A leader helps individuals to behave in better ways that they could have never behaved on their own. They bend the individual free will to be in conformity with the thinking of a larger group. This aspect is viewed in most cases as a positive thing. An example was seen in the case of soldiers being convinced by George Washington to ignore the dangerous activities that took place at the gorge valley and fully focus on the American Revolution. Charismatic modern day leaders such as Barrack Obama had been influential in the lives of American citizens. He believed that he had a providence future and that his destiny was infallible. According to him, he was the only person who had the willpower and ability to restore Germany back to her original place to be in line with the rest of the world nations.

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Commonly every leader receives criticisms from the rest of the world similar to Hitler when he mentioned that he was the only with the super ability to restore Germans to the best place they should be in the modern world. He received criticism from those who never agreed with his ideas but that did not stop him from moving forward to exhibit his vision as a legitimate leader in the country. In most cases, he turned violent and behaved like a spoiled child when his leadership decisions were questioned due to the fact that he believed to be right and should never be questioned. It is most important for every leader to possess a dream to succeed in life endeavors. He took power at a time when the economy of Germany was experiencing technical issues that led to a failure to achieve the set objectives often.

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This was attributed to impacts of the post WW1 which destroyed the German economy rapidly. The Versailles Treaty led to the major destruction of the German economy (Riefenstahl et al. Great depression from America affected Germans as a source of raw material for projects and several of them were put on hold. He stood out to be the first black American president because of his charismatic power to convince the masses throughout the country. In his first term in office, he established a number of activities such as organizing the death of Osama Bin Laden and the development Obama health care system among others. Several people criticized his activities as a black person but he actually left a legacy in America after two terms. Through his provocative speeches, he united the white, blue, liberal and federal American together to ensure they all address a common goal to succeed the United States of America (Greenstein, 2009).

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He was a liberal leader and most of the people believed he was a strong person who could make things done very quickly. He was also able to manage the government well and chose the best cabinet to help him carry out day to day activities in the country. He was a bipartisan leader who in most cases was seen to disregard the party interest and address on the needs of all Americans. He successfully handled the war between Iraq and America but on several occasions, he was criticized for failing to properly address the country’s deficit. Obama has been essential to all in the fact that he described how to address issues of controversy and craft results. In this case, he has been able to move every agenda forward in the leadership perspective.

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Obama has a strong belief in his ideas and hence the introduction of the “Change We Can Believe” he was therefore fed up that he can really achieve his American dream attracting a large number of people. This quality is essential in the political, business and social world for every leader and contributed to the success of Barrack Obama. Additionally, Obama had the ability to out-communicate his competition making him a great leader. This led to his award in 2008 as the best marketer of the year. Supporters were able to make several calls in the computers that were personal (Kantor, 2007). Obama in his part held America to shift her reliance from oil alone and focus on other resources while Hitler introduced projects that helped to restore the depressed nature of Germany especially the Keynesian model and the AutoBahn projects.

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Obama has improved the health care system and addressed the nation’s budget deficit to some level embittering the economic situation of the nation. Hitler was behind the success idea that made the US drop the atomic bomb which was very destructive an could have caused to death of many people and on the other hand, Obama was behind the idea that led to the destructive leader Osama Bin Laden hence saving the rest of the world populations from his future attacks. Both leaders were believed by the citizens as conservative. Contrast Hitler was never in support of gay marriages but he believed in the values of the family while Obama legalized gay marriages in America giving the concerned parties a right to held marriages at any time. Major automakers and construction projects have been developed during the reign of Hitler employing masses and improving the standards of living.

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In addition to this Obama enhanced the technological advancement of the United States through webcams, video shows and show talks among the natives. He also introduced the Obama health reform which has been useful in improving the health of the American citizens. Provocative speeches were used by these leaders in order to attract the masses. Obama was possessed by the idea of ‘change we can believe’ while Adolf Hitler focused on free will and this made them achieve their dreams without relenting. Princeton University Press. Greenstein, F. I. April). The leadership style of Barack Obama: An early assessment.  The Psychopathic God: Adolph Hitler. Da Capo Press. Riefenstahl, L. Hitler, A. Goebbels, J.

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