Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Nursing
Etiology of obesity There are three major causes of adult obesity: diet, metabolic factors, and the physical activities. Genetic composition plays a huge role in this fact. Surveys in westernized countries show that there has been a fall in the fat and energy intake. The physical aspect can be taken as the principal factor that explains the rise in commonness of obesity (Weinsier et al, 1998). This is because of the deviating tendencies of reducing energy consumption and cumulative body weight. Some of the medications like Antipsychotics (used to manage psychosis) induce weight gain in an individual. The patients will gain body weight if the duration of this drug is long (Bak et al F, 2014). The increase in the body weight will vary depending on the type of Antipsychotic and the duration of the exposure category.
Sleep apnea is associated with obesity as during sleep, when the tongue and throat muscles are more relaxed, the soft will block the airway. There are different ranges of obesity: Overweight (considered not obese), Body Mass Index is 25. It is of importance to establish the subcategories of major depressive disorders which are extrapolative of circumstances in terms of the incidence of excess body fat and the alterarion of the BMI (Lasserre et al, 2014). The major depressive disorder that has atypical feature is associated over a period with more of overweight in terms of the BMI, a circumstance of excess body fat (obesity), and waist incidence in female and male and a fat mass in the men. Alteration in health Obesity in adults in most cases will lead to diabetes. Individuals who suffer from the type 2 diabetes, 90% are most of the time overweight or have the obesity.
These Individuals who have obesity or are overweight usually have a more pressure meaning that their bodies are unable to make use of insulin in their body to completely control the levels of the blood sugar. There are a few leading theories that link obesity in causing of cancer. These include higher levels of hormones such as estrogen and leptin, chronic inflammation, and excess of insulin or glucose in the blood. All of these will disrupt or changes in the normal cells that may lead to the development of cancer. A stronger risk is that of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and esophageal cancer. Treatment Obesity and overweight in an individual are of concern because it will increase the risk for various diseases to an individual particularly diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.
Some of the medications that are currently used in the United States of America for obesity control and treatment are Orlistat and lorcaserin. When the drugs are used as supplements to lifestyle situation, all will lead to an increased likelihood that an individual will gain a clinically meaningful, 1 year of weight reduction (≥5%). Behavioral interventions targeting physical and dietary aspects are also good at lessening excess weight regained by adults after they have lost weight. Beside behavior change, Orlistat treatment is effective in controlling of gaining weight, with vibrant proof of a dose-response correlation and certain proof for successful over 3 years (Dombrowski et al, 2014). Side effects of this drug should be looked into before being prescribed to individuals Nurse Assignment & Interventions Nutritional interventions that should be recommended for adults dealing with obesity should not be rich in calories or fat.
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