Alien hand syndrome essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

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Neurologists tend to explain that the alien hand syndrome occurs due to the surgical separation of the brain into two hemispheres. Other possible explanations normally associate the syndrome with brain diseases such as tumor, migraine, surgery, and uncontrolled infection (Schaefer, Heinze & Galazky, 2010). When attacked by alien hand syndrome, the victim’s brain usually gets affected in the frontal parts and parietal lobes. Therefore, a patient who experiences such uncoordinated movements should not panic but rather seek immediate medical attention before the problem escalates to complex levels. How the Patient Can Detect Alien Hand Syndrome Patients suffering from Alien hand syndrome are basically unable to control their affected limb. Patients diagnosed with alien hand syndrome usually experience an intermanual conflict between their two hands. This is a very good observable feature which can allow someone to study and make appropriate conclusions.

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Having contracted the syndrome, the affected hand becomes non-dominant while the normal hand becomes dominant. As such, these two hands may sometimes act in reaction to the previous action performed by another. For instance, the dominant hand may place an object on the table while the non-dominant hand picks it immediately and displaces it (Kloesel et al, 2010). Therefore, a situation is created whereby each region seems to command response to particular stimuli but the conscious is limited (McBride et al, 2013). This condition disables the stimulating agent which is usually responsible for the facilitation of movements. The condition also causes a temporal disconnection between physical coordination and the internal control of impulses. Another established cause of the disease is associated with the loss of inhibitions. This explanation is derived from the concept that the brain is controlled by some separable agency system.

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Whenever a callosal injury happens to the brain, the hemispheres become disjointed in a manner which creates unresponsiveness of the nondominant hemisphere. The previously obedient limbs become uncoordinated while the sense of agency which normally exists become deactivated (Romano et al, 2014). This causes confusion in the agents of control because each limb is stimulated to perform an opposing action. The wayward limb starts moving involuntarily because it is no longer tied in the system. It is known that the extent of unresponsiveness may depend on the section of the brain which has been damaged. While the normal limb remains under the control of the brain, the impaired hand is independently moved due to other external stimuli other than the patient’s conscious. It also means that this hand can even perform duties which are not intended by the bearer.

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For instance, it can move towards fire even though the brain is aware that fire can cause harm. Diagnosis and Treatment of Alien Hand Syndrome There are many established methods of diagnosing alien hand syndrome. One of the methods involve the examination of the corpus callosum. Kloesel, B. Czarnecki, K. Muir, J. J. Keller, A. cortex, 49(8), 2040-2054. Romano, D. Sedda, A. Dell’Aquila, R. Dalla Costa, D. Pathophysiology and treatment of alien hand syndrome. Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements, 4. Schaefer, M. Heinze, H. J.

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