What is the main sticking point between the theories of Sigmund Freud and Karen Horney
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Psychology
His theories suggest that while explaining our behaviors to ourselves or to others using conscious mental activities we hardly account for our true motivations. His theories view the experience from the early childhood life to have influenced in individual is life or are the potential contributors to their current concerns and personality. Karen Horney theories assume that cultural and social conditions particularly those during childhood play an important role in in shaping their later personality. The two theories are similar because they all recognize the role of childhood in shaping an individual’s personality. I agree with Sigmund Karen Horney because Freud point of view male and female is born with inherent difference in personality is unjustifiable. According to him, self is the inner personality and can be likened to the soul.
He points out that self is influenced by life experiences and our interpretation of such experiences 4. What are the pros and cons of trait theories of personality? Pros It is noticeable that trait of leaders are different those of no-leaders making the theory more relevant, Majority of the of the said traits are validated by the theory, the leadership traits. Besides trait, theory is a relieving theory because it brings in some aspect of understanding to what makes a leader. This theory is provable since there are numerous evidence supporting it both in the past and in the past and the contemporary society. Maladaptive behavior criterion considers a behavior abnormal if it is likely to hurt a person or other people. The harm can be either physical or social. Statistical rarity behavior criterions for example a person to be abnormal if the person has extremely low intelligence quotient since the proportional of those who have mental retardation are relatively low.
Personal distress criterion. This definition of abnormal behavior considers any activity we engage in and at times the result of the activity resulting to distress to be abnormal 2. They are also characterized by anxiety, social isolation, sweating, and palpitations. Psychodynamic model points out that anxiety originates from the unpleasant affective state whose origin is the unconscious Attachment model. Argues that the insecure attachment between the caregiver and the child are the primary cause of anxiety disorder in children. Chapter 15: Psychological Therapies (Active Learning Activity = 15 points) Part 4—Synthesizing and Evaluating Concepts (3 points): Using your knowledge from the textbook and/or lecture notes, answer each question by typing your response in the space provided below. For each question, your answer should be one or more healthy paragraphs (Your total answer should be at least 100 words or more).
Person-centered therapy involves humanistic approach that deals with the manner in which people perceive themselves consciously instead of how the counsellor is able to interpret their unconscious ideas and thoughts. It employs approach that human beings have innate tendency to identify a fulfillment for their own personal potential and the notion of self-concept, which tend to influence people’s perception of the world. It seeks to help clients by helping them to recognizing their own capacity for self-healing and their personal growth. For successful client-therapist relationship, the therapist must be congruent with the client implying that there must be genuineness and the therapist, external and internal experience must be similar. Besides unconditional positive regard must be provided to the client by the therapist. The process is also not suitable for individuals with more complex health needs and learning difficulties.
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