All Dogs Matter Teamwork and Motivation

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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” The organization consists of passionate animal lovers who cooperate with local authorities to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome the several abandoned dogs. Besides, the organization also adopted dogs from the public who can no longer care for them. All Dogs Matter uses a combination of foster homes and kennel houses to render care to the animals. During my volunteer program at the organization, I was engaged in the human resources department. I was able to learn how the department is segregated through registry, recruitment, welfare and dispute resolutions. Teamwork arises when a group of people works together cohesively towards the realization of a common goal, which usually encompasses supporting each other to enhance collective performance (Mahembe & Engelbrecht, 2013). The aim of teamwork in an organization is to improve productivity and increase overall profit level.

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Theories of teamwork Several scholars have postulated theories on team formation, implementation and effect on organizational behavior. Essential suggestions include the Tuckman’s model, Belbin’s theory of roles of teams, Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Briggs-Myers and MBTI theory. Tuckman’s proposition on teams touches on the formation. It is empirically determined that successful teams are composed of the diverse mix of attitude and social behaviors which are all inherent in the Belbin’s model. The model spells out a clear understanding of the duty that each team member has to perform (Daspit et al. The MBTI theory is a personality test that considers how people view the world. It is an adaptation of the Jung theory of psychological traits.

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The approach presents four primary personality trait classification which includes: extraversion and introversion, sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, and judgment and perception. Besides, the team safeguards the information from manipulations. Effects of teams on the organization Teams are essential ingredients in the realization of the organizational objectives. Indeed, groups define processes, determine approaches and assess results against targets. Teamwork in the All Dogs Matter have been particularly relevant in addressing the following issues: i) Problem-solving: The synergy created due to a collection of the many minds helps in solving problems within the organization. Further, teams form an avenue through which ideas are pooled together to address the challenges the organization is facing. iv) Enhanced learning within the organization: Members of the departments affiliated to different teams utilize the opportunity to gain knowledge about given processes within the firm.

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Without relying on experience and knowledge, a new employee who is leas informed of the organizational objectives learns conveniently within groups. Lessons and recommendations Effective teams depend on membership involvement and suitability of the members to meet the tasks allocated. The top management of the rescue organization determines the effectiveness of teams (Mahembe & Engelbrecht, 2013). The senior managers must show goodwill, provide necessary information and independently support the teams in their role. Motivation has an aspect of organizational behavior thrives on the competence and ability of senior management to mobilize subordinates towards the attainment of set goals and targets. Various organizational behaviorists have suggested theories that wills to actualize the maximum potential of employees within the organization (Zameer et al. Internal and external motivation in the All Dogs Matter Employees at the organization demonstrate a higher response to motivational actions pursued by the management.

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For instance, according to the payroll registry shared with the department of human resources, employees make decent incomes worth their services and turnover of the firm. As a result, salary becomes one factor that is used in arousing and maintaining employees. The anatomy of the theory emphasizes that there are tangible and intangible desires of employees that can be leveraged through a hierarchically contemplated use of incentives (Lazaroiu, 2015). The theory classifies needs into five levels: physiological needs which include breathing, food, water, sex, sleep; safety needs are the security of body, employment, resources, morality, family, health, and property. The belonging needs are friendship, family, sexual intimacy; esteem needs are confidence, achievement respect; and the self-actualization needs as morality, creativity, problem-solving and acceptance of facts (Zameer et al.

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The management of All Dogs Matter has initiated policies that purpose to motivate employees towards delivering their best. The coffee breaks, clean water dispensers, and snacks served in the morning addresses the physiological needs of the employees. According to his analysis, job satisfaction is caused by driving elements while hygiene factors cause dissatisfaction. The hygiene factor includes status, security, working conditions and relationships, pay systems and bureaucratic processes. The motivating factors may consist of the ability to achieve results, recognition, allocation of responsibility and growing and learning in the job. The All Dogs Matter emphasizes growth within the positions as well as recognition of employees with their input in the progress of the organization. Further, with improved working conditions at the organization means better facilities at work and balanced bureaucratic systems that are essential for actualizing the organizational goals (Lazaroiu, 2015).

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