American cinema essay
The film making studio of the era was composed of the hordes of talented artisans and actors on a long-term contract with the roles of turning screenplays to vivid films for the American and international audiences2. The iron grip distribution of the movies was affected by the television as this was the highest profit contributor for the studios in film making. Television brought about the change in the art direction and creative writing which led to the careful management of the professional and personal lives keeping the beloved movie stars. Film making depended on sale of tickets to gain profit which was the sole purpose of the movies in theater performance and distribution3. Profits were reduced, and this meant that people could watch favorite shows in their houses. The birth of a nation is a movie by Griffith in 1915 which shows social and cultural tensions of racism and immigrants7.
Majority of the movies capture in a comical way show racists and the immigration challenges the society and the political class faced. From 1941 due to the neutral involvement of America in world war 1, the movies capture the isolationist stance8. Casablanca is a movie that is created after the Port Harcourt bombing which shows the effects of fascism by showing that America embraces freedom and the immigrants. The Maltese Falcon film noir elements The element presents in the film noir is mystery and crime which are represented through the protagonist anti-hero, femme fatale, taut dialogue, and high contrast mise-en-scene. Bibliography Benshoff, Harry M. and Sean Griffin. America on film: Representing race, class, gender, and sexuality at the movies. John Wiley & Sons, 2011. Cook, David A. The CGI dinosaurs in the blue screen interact with the real-world creatures through the presentation that the children are in real danger by running through the kitchen.
The theme parks in the movie are computer generated to house the believable dinosaurs of the triceratops11. The CG tyrannosaur articulate full live creature which is supported by the background of the blue screens and the rolling hills. The integration of the pictures is developed in such a way that the images seem like that of real-world interaction between the dinosaurs and the children. The director of Jurassic park does use the t-Rex dinosaurs to create the motion of the children and the dinosaur. The combinations of the two movies are of importance in balancing the films in the theatres. The independent films tell a story which the audiences want to see in theatres compared to the blockbuster movie through the emotional elements of the movies. The survival of the independent film is on the patterns of consumption through the theater experience and home screen viewing.
Both movies bring creation and art regarding the American culture. The 1970s saw the growth of the independent films that were much more emphasized on the reformist values14. Art elements are present with the utilization of the open-ended-hero in the solution of the misery. Classical cop thrillers are also used in the blockbusters and art cinema to develop the conversation. Bibliography King, Geoff. Indie 2. Change and continuity in contemporary American indie film. Routledge, 2013. Assignment 9 How typically a movie is financed Films require investments to boost the production, technology, and the talent. The involved parties in the financing of the movie include government grants, shelters, and tax incentives, individual investors, private equity firms, and hedge funds through state financing17. The elaborate patchwork of funding is provided through the in-kind services, tax credits, soft money, banks, investors, and lastly specific production financing stages by corporate companies.
The term “negative costs” is used to refer to the money used to pay for labor, special effects, talent, and materials to produce the film complete “negative”18. The contract is taken by the producer to the traditional bank as collateral for the movie financing, for example, the “Superman” financing. “Super gap” loan is used for the financing by the financial entities to cover for 15% of the total budget of the movie with a keen focus on the unsold rights and territories of the film for security and example of such financiers include Relativity Media and Aramid Entertainment22. International sales companies provide film financing on the distribution of the movie at a fee which is charged later as a marketing fee, selling, and funding. Governments in Hollywood give the film funding through national and state grants, tax incentives, and subsidies to entice shooting in the given jurisdictions for the benefit of the local economy.
The state financing is provided by the tax law 181 which is implemented by the American Job Creation Act October 200423. Ravid, S. Abraham. The Economics of Film Financing: An Introduction. In Handbook of State Aid for Film, pp. Springer, Cham, 2018. The social tensions at the time of the movie productions include the racial conflicts, immigration restrictions, and anti-communism26. The movie captures the attachment and the close association with the allies that is Morocco which was used as a crossroad for Nazis, traitors, and spies in the French resistance. The movie seems to question the indifference and neutrality of the United States federal government in the involvement in the world war II matters through Ilsa reappearance. The social tensions during the time are shown through Ilsa, Rick, and other characters on the complexity of place and the time of the movie set.
Casablanca is developed by Michael Curtiz to represent a wartime romance intrigue and adventure. and James Robertson. The Casablanca man: the cinema of Michael Curtiz. Routledge, 2013.
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