AMY Movie Review
It manages to expose the downfall of the iconic singer with a touch of insight as well as admiration. The vibrant nature of Amy is clearly portrayed in the moving interviews and archive footage created by Kapadia. What stands out after viewing Amy and Kapadia’s previous documentary called Senna is the manner in which the director meticulously avoided the use of talking heads. Instead, Kapadia places a lot of focus on Winehouse. This is evidenced in the TV footage, studio sessions, cell phone videos and concerts among others. Apparently, he had introduced her to heroin. The documentary also highlights the relationship between Amy and her absentee dad and the role he played in her life. The situation becomes worse and it is obvious that her problems were there to stay.
From the foregoing, pundits have argued that Amy had an unhappy childhood life which progressed through her early adult life until her demise. Amy was an authentic pop star artist because she wrote her own songs and was not afraid to share her feelings. In the film, he is willing to face the frequent questioning sessions and detentions. All these setbacks don’t hinder him and he opts to continue living in Beijing. Ai is on the quest to uncover the identities of victims of the Sichuan earthquake knowing very well that it was a government secret. The move places him in a conflicting position with government officials. Ai is the only Chinese artist who cares for his country and what happens to it. Such pointlessness makes it move in various directions picking out the key themes that Ostlund wants to highlight.
Nevertheless, the film is not based on an empty provocation but rather as something which viewers can relate to. The scenarios are amusing as well as absurd. DARK DAYS Ideally, dark days are about human endurance. It is about a homeless community existing in a train tunnel that is located beneath the city of New York. It is this cue that the filmmakers use to explain what lingers in every viewer's mind; why the family believed the imposters? The most fascinating bit about the movie perhaps is why people tell lies as well as why those who hear them believe them to be true in the first place. On the subjectivity of any event, the imposter is one creepy mystery story that one cannot forget easily. Some pundits have explained that as a thriller, the imposter is fascinating but looking at it from a documental point only ignites exasperation and uncertainty.
According to the pundits, confusion arises at the point where no hypothesis is provided on the main reasons behind the Gibson family believing Bourdin’s story. Those who support the film state that it is far from being shrewd. Beverly Dollarhide, from her initial interview at the time of Nicholas disappearance stated that her main goal in life was to avoid thinking. If lack of resemblance between the two was not to consider, the story behind the alleged disappearance would certainly have raised eyebrows but it did not. Appearing on national television, the imposter managed to fool the journalists as well as the whole country about his real identity. This was with the exception of Texas private detective. According to the tale of international pedophiles kidnapping Nicholas and pouring acid in his eyes to change their color was mind-boggling if not bizarre.
The film achieves the aim of arousing feelings about the current status of American politics and its realities. Noam Chomsky’s has a unique vision of history that is worth embracing. Even though few individuals will agree with every word stated, Chomsky still goes ahead to contentious views that are present in the world today. For this reason, the film could not have been timelier. The central point of discussion is the impact of deliberation of power and wealth on the political sphere. The flashes from numerous cameras around her are like piercing knives that to some extent irritate her. On Amy's part, facing these challenges makes her sink deeper and move closer to the end of her career and life. The two-hour video coverage accompanied with audio sounds of the star's close associates paints a vivid picture of what Amy's life was like.
Near the end of the film, viewers just like Amy, are aware that her career is about to come to an end. In between the film, we get to see the good, bad and worst moments in Amy's life. com/movie/dark-days#expand www. timeout. com/london/film/dark-days www. theatlantic. comnytimes. nytimes. com/2012/07/27/movies/ai-weiwei-never-sorry-on-the-chines-artist. html www. metacritic. com/movie/requiem-for-the -american-dream/critic-reviews.
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