Analysis of Narcissistic Disorder

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

  Notably, lack of understanding is the peculiar core characteristic of NPD. Noteworthy, fragile self-esteem lies behind the mask of extreme confidence responsible for criticism. A narcissistic personality disorder results in adverse effects in practical life and includes in relationships, school, and financial affairs amongst others. People displaying narcissistic personality disorder are generally disappointed and unhappy if not given their desired admiration and special favors. Hence, by not being offered their desired attention Narcissistic patients get hard to get along with their relationships and is hard to enjoy and being around other people. In essence, family physicians are just fit for consultation about a problem and should recommend the person suffering to a professional mental health institution or experienced personnel for treatment (Goodman & Leff, 2013).   Notably, NPD lacks tests such as laboratory, genetic and blood for diagnosing the disease.

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Ideally, many patients suffering from this disorder occasionally do not seek out treatment until the disease has significant interference or other impacts on a person’s life. Often, this happens when the person managing resources poorly affected badly to be able to deal with life or handle stress. Diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder, Can be administered by a mental health professional comparing NPD patient symptoms with the life history. Noteworthy, they are undisputable stars. Lives in a fantasy world Narcissists live in a fantasy world because reality does not support their grandiose self-view. Essentially, self-deception, magical thinking, and distortion buttress them. They boost of endless self-glorified fantasies of limitless achievement, power, brilliance, attractiveness and last love that render them feel are in control and unique. Ideally, the fantasies defend them from moods of emotional bareness and shame; hence, realities and sentiments that challenge them rationalized away.

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However, their defense approach is always scornful. They boasted and show disrespectfulness and unacknowledged them openly regardless of one popularity and title. They showing cold war attack such as insults, intimidations to force the other person hindmost into line, can envision it. Furthermore, name calling them Treatment The narcissistic personality disorder is challenging in treating because people portraying this condition primarily exposed to grandiosity and defensiveness, which make it challenging to them to understand vulnerabilities and complications. Personal and group psychotherapy is essential in helping people depicting narcissistic personality disorder to relate and exhibit compassion to others in a friendly manner. In addition, narcissistic awareness is important in that it helps in identifying NPD patients just from their behaviors and the signs and symptoms they depict. Hence, this can greatly determine the interaction that would be realized between NPD patient and non-NPD patient.

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In conclusion, the paper has greatly analyzed the definition of NPD, the signs and symptoms of NPD, identification of risk factors associated with NPD, causes, and diagnosis of NPD. Hence, it can be surmised from the paper that narcissism can be regarded as a compulsion to determine the power of making choices, attention, and happiness concerning relationships. Further, to co-exist well with NPD patients one needs to understand them and ideally, follow what they say even if it is meaningless. Goodman, M. E. C. L. Goodman, M. A. Campbell, W. K. Narcissistic personality disorder and the DSM‐5. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119, 640–649.

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