Anhydrous ammonia Research
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Other
Due to the dehydration aspect of this gas the victims of this hazardous gas should be treated with high quantities of water, (Provers, 2016) In 1947 one disastrous incident happened in the United States specifically at Texas City whereby, the incident involved a ship that had carried ammonium nitrate in form of a solid fertilizer unfortunately the ship went into blaze causing serious explosion that destroyed nearly over 1,000 buildings and structures at the same time claiming over 400 lives and 175 people going missing. This serious damage was because there was subsequent fire arising from a nearby ship which had been loaded with ammonium nitrate just at the docks and also caught fire from the explosion of the first ship. Provers, 2016) This symbolizes the harmful nature of the ammonia gas and its use in fertilizes which should be handled with a lot of care.
Anhydrous ammonia is used in terrorist attacks in form of a chemical since it is a toxic inhalant and it is majorly used as a chemical weapon to fight against terrorists. It can also be used in the making of nuclear bombs. This sheet should outline specifically the physical as well as the chemical characteristics of the substance in question. In a nutshell the material sheet should contain information on the substance, identification of the nature of the hazard, ingredients, first-aid measures to be taken, accidental measures to be released, the mode of handling and storage, controls and means of protection, how it reacts, and the toxic content in the substance. Marc, et. al, pg 662) The updated SDS 2012 contains the following information; in section 1 identification, section 2 hazard identification, section 3 ingredients or the composition, section 4 first aid measures, section 5, measures on firefighting, section 6 accidental release measures, handling and storage, section 7 personal protection and also exposure and section 8 physical and chemical properties.
The sections of this sheet are in such a way that they provide a clear guideline right from identification of the chemical substance that the employees and those concerned with safety response should be aware about to the nature of the hazard involved and possibly the level of risk exposure based on the ingredients in the chemical substance or material. The three zones have a primary purpose of reducing uncertain occurrence and the impact of hazardous substances. The hot zone also known as the exclusive zone is the zone of either the highest possible or actual contamination or the area where the highest possible or actual exposure to hazards take place. The second zone is the warm zone where decontamination occurs, in this area there is a transition between support and exclusion zones.
Then the third area is the cold zone or the support zone. It is the safe area which can be utilized to stage and to plan activities since it is free from contamination. The most recent publication by ERG wad done in 10l08l2016 which involved updating of the emergency response pipeline, in 2012 ERG made a publication on harmonization of global systems of labelling and classification of chemicals, In 2011 in New York ERG made another change and a publication on its 19th revised edition, IN 1996 ERG made a publication on land spill emergency preparedness, (Hendrickson, pg 668) In ERG yellow contains identification of a chemical hazardous product by the 4 United Nations number, the white section in ERG denotes the classification of the hazard and the possible precautions as well as pipeline identification measures.
Green color denotes that the material has very toxic substances which are harmful on inhaling and also it could denote that there are water reactive chemical substance. Section Blue identifies product particularly by its name. Orange section denotes potential explosion, protective fire, protective clothing, spillage, first aid or even evacuation. ERG on id#28480 provides a very lethal information on a substance which is odorless and whose toxicity cannot be measured by physical analysis but the substance is highly toxic and dangerous. Tinnitus refers to sensation of some noise, this could be a roar or possibly a ring. It can be a subjective tinnitus whereby only the individual themselves can hear alone, it is caused by complications in the brain or hearing nerves or either the middle or the outer ear. Treatment of tinnitus is nortriptyline.
The prognosis ideas are; traumatic brain complications, vestibular and other infections. Hearing protection devices helps in safeguarding ears from arm due to excessive noise from external stimuli. In the long run exposure to loud music will bring complications such as brain damage. Db range of concerts 120db, lawnmower 90db, loud rock concert 120 db. Group fitness classes 80db, hammering 115 db. Leaf blowers 70db. PA and OH state laws and regulations refers to a very comprehensive and detailed that covers all things that need licensing. For instance whenever chlorine is used in swimming pools to treat water it can lead to breathing problems, coughs, asthmatic conditions, loss of eye sight and at worst condition death. This is not to mention chlorine in its gaseous form it is even worse. The seventh generation products are products which are less harmful, they include products such as cleaning and washing detergents, disinfectants, fertilizers which are chlorine free, making towel, diapers, and many other household friend appliances.
The benefit of the seventh generation products to the environment are; chemical free towels, reusable biodegradable products, manufacturing of hypoallergenic products which are friendly to human body, and plant derived cleaning agents which are harmless to the environment, (Ottman, et. al, pg 25) Work cited Provers, Anhydrous Ammonia Liquid Volumetric. Hendrickson. Decontamination. Critical care clinics 21. Ottman, Jacquelyn A. Edwin R.
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