Anorexia Nervosa research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

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If unchecked, continued limitation on the intake of food and beverage could lead to severe complication, and death may result. The disease is considered a mental disorder. This condition often affects females, especially adolescents and young women. They are often over-conscious about their body shape and size, and dread gaining weight. Individuals affected by the disease often have low body mass index and may experience amenorrhea. The ability to reduce body mass and maintain a good shape as a result of reduced calories gives the individual a sense of control in some aspect of their life. This reduces their levels of anxiety and stress due to the sense of accomplishment achieved as weight is lost (Boucher, Cote, Gagnon-Girouard, Ratte, & Begin, 2018). These habits, however, result in problems with time; that more often bring about anxiety and stress.

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Some condition caused by the disease are reversible after recovery from the condition while others are not reversible. Due to prolonged starvation and malnutrition, individuals with anorexia often have abnormal endocrine profiles. Up to 75% of anorexia patients experience an obsession or compulsions at some point in the course of their lifetime (Cederlöf et al. Dependence and misuse of alcohol is also linked to the disease, with about 9 to 25% of individuals with anorexia being affected (Zipfel, Giel, Bulik, Hay, & Schmidt, 2015). The prevalence of alcohol abuse in the restrictive type is lower than in the binge/purge type. Certain studies have tried to establish a correlation between anorexia nervosa and autism. Probands with anorexia as well as their relatives tend to have a higher aggregation of autism. Zipfel, Giel, Bulik, Hay, & Schmidt, 2015) Anorexia patients have higher chances of developing autoimmune diseases.

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Type 1 diabetes is a common disease among these patients (Gravina, Milano, Nebbiai, Piccione, & Capasso, 2018). It often occurs at the initial stages of development of AN. It is defined by insulin purging and inability to control glycemic levels. The mortality rates are also very high (Zipfel, Giel, Bulik, Hay, & Schmidt, 2015). However, when they occur, the implications are dire to the afflicted individual as well as their families. This calls for the acknowledgement of their existence as well as careful evaluation. In most instances, patients suffering from an eating disorder are often in denial and rarely acknowledge their illness. This has a significant effect in epidemiological studies since this can influence results to be skewed towards failure to recognize the existence of such individuals. Kowalska, Kupczewska, Straczkowski, & Rubin, n. A quick search for Anorexia nervosa brought 774 articles from PubMed.

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Upon searching Anorexa nervosa complications, there were about 167 articles in PubMed. Articles were selected based on their headings and relevance to the study. All of the studies selected from this database were published in 2018 Evidence matrix Non-research evidence Authors Journal Name/ WGU Library Year of Publication Research Design Results/Author’s Suggested Conclusions “Miniati, M. Callari, A. Madden1, J. Miskovic-Wheatley A. Wallis1, M. Kohn1, J. Lock, D. More research needed to establish HRQoL and Economic burdens of AN, BN, and BED “Miniati M, Callari A, Maglio A1, Calugi S. ” “Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders: current perspectives. ” 2018 Systematic Review 15 Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Eating Disordeers III C Interpersonal psychotherapy can be used in place of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as accost effective alternative for a variety of Eating Disorder spectrum Recommended Practice Change The body of research on the management of AN is on the rise.

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However, corresponding empirical psychosocial treatment based on this evidence base continues to be scarce. An analysis of psychological treatment plans for children and adolescents afflicted by the disease suggest that individualized care approach and family based treatment have been found to be effective treatment strategies. Novel Psychological treatments in anorexia nervosa Family-based treatment This is an approach designed to help adolescents in dealing with the problem of anorexia nervosa. It greatly invests in the involvement of family members to achieve desired results (Madden et al. This approach has three phases. The first phase is about absolving parent from the blame of triggering AN and appreciating them for their efforts. Families are asked to come up with ways of helping their adolescent kids regain weight. It is also aimed to help patients revert from poor eating habits and support them in the quest for better eating behavior and weight gain (Madden et al.

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From here, patients may be in a position to select additional content for their therapy. Zipfel, Giel, Bulik, Hay, & Schmidt, 2015) Maudsley model of anorexia treatment for adults (MANTRA) It posits that there are four factors that are critical in the persistence of anorexia nervosa (Zipfel, Giel, Bulik, Hay, & Schmidt, 2015). These factors are broad and have been associated with obsessional and avoidant personality traits. They include: 1. This treatment model allows for personalized treatment which is evident from the flexibility selection of modules and the emphasis given to each. A significant difference between this model and others is that this model was specially developed to deal with anorexia nervosa. It utilizes biological and psychological research and is custom-designed to deal with the temperaments associated with anorexia nervosa. It is also unique in that it makes use of a workbook developed by patients and their therapists.

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It also involves caregivers both in formulation of the treatment plan as well as the treatment itself. AN individual is taught how to deal with setbacks and how to safeguard the progress made in recovery from the disorder. It has also been found that Interpersonal Psychotherapy helps the young people recover from various symptoms of AN. They have also been able to gain weight and have a better motivation to recover (Miniati, Callari, Maglio, & Calugi, 2018). Focal psychodynamic psychotherapy (FTP) This model of treatment was developed for moderately ill patients in the outpatient setting. It puts emphasis on psychodynamic aspect of anorexia nervosa. As a result, medical literature advices that more positive trials for the drug are needed before the recommendation of its use. Zipfel, Giel, Bulik, Hay, & Schmidt, 2015) Current evidence base on other psychotropic medication for anorexia nervosa is quite scanty.

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Several drugs, including dronabinal and ghrelinare still under study for their effectiveness in promoting appetite and reducing hyperactivity associated with anorexia nervosa (Zipfel, Giel, Bulik, Hay, & Schmidt, 2015). Nutritional treatment There are few treatment settings with for extremely underweight AN patients (Born et al. Malnourished an underweight patients need the services of a specialist in an inpatient or a day-patient setting (Zipfel, Giel, Bulik, Hay, & Schmidt, 2015). In adolescents, transdermal application of estrogen replacement has been found to be effective. Even then, the increase in bone density is only partial. Implementing Recommendations The application of EBP in the treatment of AN will require the involvement of patients, families, and the various multidisciplinary teams needed for a multifaceted solution to the problem. The patients will need to be made aware of their illness, the risks associated with the illness and advised what can be done.

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They will also need to be acquainted with the evidence-based approach for the treatment of their condition. This common problem can be resolved through policy changes on workload and staffing. Some families may also not recognize the significance of their involvement in the recovery of a sick relative. This limits the level of their involvement, which can be quite detrimental to the health outcomes of the patient. Screening of OCD or AN when a patient is diagnosed by either of the conditions is an indication of evidence based practice in action. This is because the two disease are highly comorbid to each other as suggested by current evidence. First results of a refeeding program in a psychiatric intensive care unit for patients with extreme anorexia nervosa.  BMC Psychiatry, 15(1). doi:10. s12888-015-0436-7 Boucher, K.

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Cote, M.  M. Baker, J. Lichtenstein, P. Larsson, H. Rück, C. Medical Complications in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa.  Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets, 18(5), 477-488. doi:10. Hildebrandt, T. Grotzinger, A. j. brat. Kowalska, I. Kupczewska, M.  K. Kohn, M. Lock, J. Le Grange, D. … Touyz, S. A randomized controlled trial of in-patient treatment for anorexia nervosa in medically unstable adolescents. s120584 Miniati, M. Callari, A. Maglio, A. Calugi, S. Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders: current perspectives. McDermott, B. Intensive treatment program (ITP): A case series service evaluation of the effectiveness of day patient treatment for adolescents with a restrictive eating disorder.  International Journal of Eating Disorders. doi:10. eat.  Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 21(3), 353-364. doi:10. s40519-016-0264-x Zipfel, S. Giel, K.

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