Anxiety ocd and trauma

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

He comes from a well off family of realtors and is the second born of his two siblings. He does exceptionally well and hands himself a medical degree then later on working in a local hospital as an anesthesiologist. It thereby comes as a shocker to many people when he finally comes out as gay. In the year 1963, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) did away with the diagnosis of homosexuality from the DSM. The result of this move was from the comparison of opposing opinions that saw homosexuality as a pathological condition as well as those who saw it as being normal. The victim is bound to spend longer hours alone and completely off track with his own life and may even result to suicide. The negativity that surrounds him, from his family all the way down, is seen as a personality disorder in the DSM-5 and not only affects this specific client, but all three of them.

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Anxiety is one of the most common disorders in the world today. In the normal scope, human beings have different ways in which they respond to anxiety depending on how a person takes a hold of a certain situation. Working at a restaurant, Phil feels filthy and has to wash his hair for hours to remove the smell of food. He also expresses a lot of difficulty in concentrating. This makes him lose both his marriage and his job. His wife’s reasons for leaving are that the man is very much controlling and that he always argued when something was put where it did not belong. His is a non-substance related disorder and he feels the insatiable need to see everything neat and tidy. Sometimes, such is sparked by a past happening that might have changed the whole aspect of the person’s view of life, or it may be just their nature.

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Countries like the United States have lately set up study and treatment camps for PTSD. It is said to mainly affect retired war heroes and soldiers. Stacey, 35, is shy and cannot handle pubic eyes. She dropped out of nursing only because it would mean that she had to presentations set for in front of her classmates. She was made fun of as a young girl by her peers and ever since developed a negative attitude towards people. She clearly sets her boundaries and expresses with ease the fact that she does not intend to get at all intimate with anyone. She rushed into marriage at a young age probably to do in with her lack of attachment and in this, she failed miserably. When diagnosing her condition there are criterion that can be ruled out including drug related causes and several medical conditions.

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The disorder that affects Stacey is caused by PTSD and as such she had not indulged in drug abuse but had been set apart by her peers while growing up, this influenced her into becoming a different person who became shy and not sociable. She had not suffered any general medical conditions in the past and as such when conducting a diagnosis these criterion can be ruled out as the causes to her condition. This way, they could properly balance the rift between dream and reality. Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET) is also one of the treatments that would prove effective for Stacey or any other person going through a similar incidence. This type of Therapy presages on the imminent psychotic occurrence though for it to work, there must be computers which monitor the vitals of a person (National Institute of Mental Health).

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The therapy does not only deal with the individual’s mentality by merely talking but they also incorporate physical presentation of the problem and handling of the situation. The patient’s therapeutic growth is more so developed by the individual’s ability to detach himself from a world far from reality. Keywords used included “Group Treatment”, “therapy”, and “intervention”, “PTSD” etc. when appropriate articles were discovered they were examined as well as their references section for more articles (Friedman et al, 2009). Patients like Stacey who are shy are advised to undergo group treatments in order to make them more comfortable around people. This will deal with the patient’s social isolation and drive them an inch into learning how to trust and be around other people (Denise et al, 2012). The social connection created here would make the patient acquire new friends as well as build trust.

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ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC5573566/&hl=en-KE Friedman MJ, Cohen JA, Foa EB, Keane TM. Integration and summary. November 5th 2012. P. Wilson P. John, 2001, Understanding and Assessing Trauma and PTSD, https://books. google.

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