Application of leadership and management theories to a leader in American Nurses Association

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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The theories are majorly centered on the traits, skill-approach, leadership style, path-goal and situational leadership approaches. Being a field that is sophisticated due to the patient/nurse and nurse/employer interactions, the major capacities of moral ethics, sacrifice, passion, and dedication are easily articulated to the leadership paradigm. As such, the main focus of the paper will be on the president of the ANA, Dr. Pamela Cipriano, who is the leader of more than 3. 6 nurses and is responsible for the success of the ANA. However, the two are correlated and according to Gardner (1993), those who display skillful management ideologies are better leaders than those who embrace either of them. Leaders who are described as good, have a visionary, inspired and motivated sense of direction for their organization, similar to good managers who inspire their people who mistakenly think of them as managers.

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Therefore, a combination of the two results in respect, dignity, self-esteem, and autonomy of the organization’s constituents. To achieve innovative healthcare, various approaches to leading the building of the complex relationship within the organization must be employed. According to Dooley (2008), these approaches for studying leadership are based on micro, meso and macro interactions. Job Titles Vs Leadership The fact that one has a job title does not instill leadership skills or behavior on him/her. In the field of nursing where personnel and patient relationship is delicate, leadership theories are crucial. The virtue of the title of nursing professor or a nursing administrator, or the President of the ANA, doesn’t represent leadership; but rather a position of headship. Leadership is executed as a function as opposed to formal appointments; therefore, the behavioral conduct of Dr.

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Pamela dictates his functional capabilities as a leader. The workspace environment provides the opportunities that are required for self-discovery, coaching, and building of career skills with the support of mentors and peers who are already effective leaders. Dr. Pamela has been a mentor in this program and his passion, enthusiasm and dynamic approach to leadership and management matches his professionalism in the healthcare industry. According to Hewertson (2015),leadership has several insights for its success which include: having knowledge that is actionable, the act is a discipline which require skills and motivations that are opposite in nature, and the last insight is the possibility of leaders becoming messy; as they create, they can also potentially destroy organizational culture. In addition to this, a leader must possess masteries both at the personal and interpersonal level, at the team level and in systems and culture level, for competency to be reasonably achieved.

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• Transformational/change catalyst: this leadership adopts new turnaround activities by destroying existing messy organizational culture and reengineering transformative blueprints. • Transactional leadership: leadership is seen as an art of deal-making where managers creatively identify new opportunities and seek negotiations. • The builder: the manager in this category has an entrepreneurial mind of dreaming of a new creation which through the talents within the organization, are achievable. • Innovative leadership: this is based on the generation of new ideas from either existing or completely new production lines. This style of leadership is focused on solving existing problems. It is an attempt to study leadership which was among the first to be crafted. According to this theory, there are several traits which integrate and combine together to give an individual his/her unique character.

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This leadership theory study identifies and measures the different individual traits as attributed to leadership. It would be crucial if the interpretation of traits is clarified. Traits are dispositions which are patterns of behavior derived from habits, emotions or thoughts. These are traits which have since been strengthened and implemented by the ANA for the past three years of leadership. She is able to lead one of the biggest service professional organization across the globe, and ensure that over 3. 1 registered nurses have their interests represented. Transformational Leadership The organizational problems and complex situations of the healthcare systems have resulted in ever-changing trends and sometimes chaos. In order to adapt to these changes, the organizational culture in the healthcare management has been restructured and some new delivery models redesigned.

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This leadership motivates rather than punishing people for their mistakes. In healthcare provision, empowering nurse results in fewer mistakes, motivated nurses have fewer sick days, improved health care services, and attrition decreases. ANA provides a channel where nurse administrators are transformational leaders with fellow nurses realizing a higher rate of job satisfaction and staying in the organization for longer periods. A governance model that is comprised of members of interdisciplinary sectors is adopted; councils with nurses, staff development officials, quality, research, unit based and recruitment councils. In some circumstances, there are nursing administrators who may feel threatened by the power-sharing concept. • Participate directly in operational processes, workflow arrangements, and decision making. • By use of the available organizational resources, equip the management and nursing staff, with the knowledge required for decision making.

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These recommendations were centered on improving the role played by the nurse leaders especially at the top management level, rather than replacing nurse leadership. An example of hospitals that have since benefited from these recommendations by ANA is Pathway to Excellence and Magnet hospitals. It is clear that transformational leadership if implemented in the health care can result in quality service provision both to the staff and for patients; which would be improved effectiveness of the organization. According to Avolio (2014) and Johnson (2014), applying leadership theories to a practice includes three aspects; servant leadership, lateral leadership and authentic leadership. Transformational Leader-Competencies According to Bennis (1985), self-regard in a positive manner is a trait that is associated with successful leaders. This trait emphasizes more on the strengths of a person and disregards the weaknesses.

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It is not self-centeredness or self-ness. When one has positive self-regard, the leader is able to instill in others self-confidence, and self-worth by using affirmations, abandoning the need for perfection and using visualization. This is adopted by the ANA by fostering consensus building, group discussions, and agreements amongst nurse leaders; they support innovation and creativity at individual levels. To be able to achieve this, the leader must articulate internal consistency of objectives, goals and visions, feedback, personnel placement and recruitment, support, appraisal, and rewards. Nurses’ self-worth must be enhanced for creativity to develop. To support vision statements, opportunities that foster interactions such as face-to-face meetings, memoranda’s, nursing forums, small group meetings, and huddles have been formulated within the healthcare environment by ANA.

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The other competency is trust-management, an aspect of reliability. ANA has adopted transformational leadership which makes their leadership flexible leading them to adapt to chaos, rapid changes and to trends in the healthcare environment. According to the professional standards of performance, the ANA leadership Institute outlines ten competencies for nurse leaders. These include: • Collaboration: In the conduct of their profession, the nurses are obligated to collaborate with family members and healthcare consumers which is a factor of increasing collaborative relationships and participative management. Interdisciplinary collaboration between nurse leaders and the department of manufacturing, NGOs and finance is crucial. • Communication: In the field of healthcare, the registered nurse is encouraged to use a variety of skills in communicating to other stakeholders so that ideas, information, and commands are effectively expressed in a concise and inspiring way.

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These skills are further elaborated as follows: • Anticipate: the leader has to engage customers and all the other stakeholders, gauge their challenges, do a market research, simulate perspectives from the competitors and predict outcomes that are potential disruptive. The leader must therefore be prepared for the unexpected, futuristic and be able to examine strategies used by others in the same industry. • Challenge: This is a skill that requires leaders to focus on causative agents, apply Saki chi Toyoda, encourage meetings and debates with open dialogues and possibilities of conflicts which challenge decisions made and enable challenges to be discovered early enough; giving managers a chance to deal with perspectives to such repercussions. • Interpret: Strategic leaders have several explanations for each observations, accept the input from diverse stakeholders, and use quantitative analysis to supplement their observations.

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They use alternative perspectives that promote open-mindedness. Natural networking skills are encouraged but in absence of such skills, leaders ought to engage in teams that are portals to other networks hence a creation of abroad network. In terms of constructive negotiation, the leader must be able to persuade those involved in initiatives and projects as peers and colleagues. This is a skill learned from reading and constantly engaging and applying theory into practice. Additionally, colleagues and partners can help in brainstorming or can act as company confidantes. In lateral leadership, consultation is crucial especially in getting ideas, opinions, and reactions from other people about initiatives started by the organization. Safe healthcare that is of high-quality is guaranteed by actions and decision making processes that are ethical.

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Leadership Healthcare Policy As discussed earlier, nurses are perceived by consumers as professionals who lack the skills of leadership. For centuries, the healthcare system has not considered nurses as leaders who can be able to give solutions to complex problems. This is further escalated by the report given by the Institute of Medicine (2011), which underrated the need for professional nurses to be part of the health care redesigning team, citing full partnership with other professionals such as physicians. They, therefore, miss out on opportunities to gain power or leadership in their field and at the political battle. This theory helps leaders understand the concept of change as the dynamism of the universe rather than an event or occurrence. It involves transformation and integrates the ever-changing flow of loss, chaos, rules work and scripts.

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Chaos in this mannerism refers to the transitional period that is experienced during changing technological eras, such as between the age of technology and industrial age. Quantum leadership understands the driving forces such as technical, sociopolitical and economic perspectives. Adaptation in any organizational environment requires innovative leadership whose role in outlining the stages to be followed is critical; from knowledge to persuasion, decision making, implementation and the last stage of confirmation. 113), the main purpose why organizations should adopt the quantum leadership theory is for them to shift from traditional patterns of thinking into creative thinking processes that will give solutions to existing problems, and confront future uncertainty. Conclusion The information provided for in this paper reveal the critical role played by leaders in the organization.

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The leadership of the American Nurses Association has been analyzed based on the leadership and management theories. The fact that the organizational environment keeps changing to adapt to new technological, biological and sociopolitical factors means that leadership must too change and combine several theories for its success. The quantum leadership technique is preferably best fitted for the complex health care system. O. and Weber, T. J. Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions.  Annual review of psychology, 60, pp. Part, 1. Galinsky, A. D. and Kilduff, G. J. Roussel, L. , Thomas, P. L. and Ratcliffe, C. , Leadership Theory and Application for Nurse Leaders. Transformational leadership in the coming decade: A response to three major workplace trends. Zheng, W. , Singh, K. and Mitchell, W.

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