Arctic Mining Consultants Case Study

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Parker also fulfilled the role of project management on occasion. When responsible for the management, he would hire, train, and supervise field assistants for the entire company. The field assistant job was a low paying job, with long hours working up to twelve hours a day. Meals and accommodations were provided for field assistants on assignment. Parker rented three young men, John Talbot, Greg Boyce, and Brian Millar, to support on an assignment that tangled risking fifteen rights nearby Eagle Lake, Alaska. Parker was able to review Miller and Boyce claim stakes before they returned to their site for a helicopter pick up. The anger between them continued, as their numbers were not to par. Boyce told Parker that he was slowed down in his specific area because of thick underbrush, and Miller promised he would try harder on day 4.

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Parker was stern with them and not taking any excuses for incompletion of assignments. Talbot told Parker he was being too hard on them as they were still new to this job assignment and offered to switch areas with him. Day 6 Millar rushed over mealtime, was the head one to be released off on site by the plane and was the latest one scheduled for pick up. He was eager to meet his length requirement today. Day 7 Millar was the first one in again, and the last one out. “Six measurements. I operated similar to a puppy totally daytime and I solitary acquired a useless six measurements!” Boyce finished five measurements, Talbot seven, then Parker seven plus a section” Parker remained still very angry and shouted thirty-four lengths would have to be completed the following day to be on schedule.

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Like for example in this organization on day two, two crew members did not complete their length agreement on the first day as Parker had thought that they would and this frustrated Parker (Tainan 132-158). Many difficulties can be banned by doing a healthier assortment of does and situation of strong presentation prospects. To help in facilitating a change in the behaviors Parker in this organization needs to first identify the problem and engage in a feedback that is quite constructive very soon. If the two individuals do not make an improvement he needs to apply a disciplinary process. Since when this disciplinary process is not applied to this two non-active member, parker will continue being stressed by them as they will continue being inactive.

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One of the communication problems seen in this organization is failure to self-edit. Self-edit is a very important technique to learn in a business environment. Failure to consider what one is about to say leads to a breakdown in communication because one maybe reacting without thinking what might hurt the other persons feeling. Like for example in this organization on the seventh day Parker directed his anger on Millar accusing him of not completing his requirement of work and letting the team down. The best solution for this is that when speaking in a heated environment one needs to carefully choose words, run them through his mind, at least filter them before saying them in a way that may hurt ones feelings.

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To solve this employer needs to discuss these expectations with their employees to create guidelines that outline some of the metrics for a successful project. This organization also has a teamwork problem since; it lacks what is called information sharing. According to FROZEN QUARRYING ADVISERS By Steven L. McShane, The Campus of Horse opera Australia, and Tim Neale teamwork is defined as the willingness of a group of people to work together to achieve a common goal. Parker who is among the best performer doesn’t share with Millar the poor performer, some of the skills he uses to work best and very fast. Meeting the performance challenges that an organization experiences quickly is vital since it helps in preventing the worsening of the problem.

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